The Mastery Letter

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The Man-Child: (Part 2)

If you have not yet read the first part of this Mastery Letter, I encourage you to do so. 

In the previous part, we explored the following areas:

  • Introduction And Personal Back Story 
  • Comfort: The Silent Killer
  • Impulse Control: Attention & Priority
  • Effeminacy: The Emasculated Man
  • Detachment From The Way of The Mother
  • The Need To Be Liked
  • Failure To Provide & Protect
  • Failure With Women

Today we’re going to continue our journey of discovering and understanding The Modern Man-Child, or as Carl Jung referred to him… Puer Aeternus (The Eternal Child).

The structure for our exploration will be: 

  • Atonement With The Way of The Father 
  • Back To The Scripture
  • The Dreamer: An Imagined Life
  • Under-commitment & Denial of Responsibility
  • Subconscious Limitation: Beneath The Surface
  • Individuation: Integrating The Inner Child

Let us begin… 

Atonement With (The Way) of The Father 

Detaching from The Way of The Mother means to forgive her for perpetuating the boy within us.  To learn to transmute resentment into a gratitude… gratitude for all she did and went through in order to ensure our needs were met.

After Mother comes Father… 

The Man-Child must not only detach from and forgive his Mother, he must atone with and forgive his Father. 

Forgiving him for being emotionally or physically absent. Forgiving him for the abuse, if any was received during early years of life, whether physical, mental, emotional or sexual.

Forgiveness for the lack of guidance on Self Mastery, and how to conduct oneself appropriately in the world of work, women and worship. 

My father left the home when I was aged 10. It took me until the age of 20 before I saw him again. 

For all I knew, he was out of my life, and I considered that a good thing, for in honesty… I did not like him, and I did not feel as though he liked me.

Instead, I remember being in fear, the victim of spontaneous lash outs of anger and fury, punishment and shouting for either misbehaving or taking too long to follow orders. 

My father never taught me how to correctly conduct myself with women, nor to ride a bike, start a fire, or exert myself physically. He refused to pass me down his handy man traits and shamed me for being fat and short compared to other kids… compared to my older brother.

A mother who is overbearing, due to the absence of support, presence and authority from an integrated masculine man will unconsciously manipulate the young boy into fearing and resenting men, starting with his father. 

I was trained not to trust my father, to see him as the villain…

This tainted my relationship with not just him, but all of men.

And this is why it is absolutely essential to forgive the father and atone with him. 

My father saw his own capacity for weakness in me. 

For that, he belittled me further. I was already fragile, and instead of training me to be strong and capable, I was made to feel inadequate and even smaller. 

Regardless of this treatment, as I write this letter, I can say with honesty that I truly love my Father. 

I was able to forgive him some years ago. 


First, by becoming physically strong through voluntary, intense exercise and training. 

Through this I learned that I was indeed more than capable, and there was a beast within me wanting to be tamed. 

Second, by asking higher quality questions about why my father was the way he was. 

If you have experienced abuse from somebody who should have been your protector and care-giver, know this… they were certainly abused themselves. 

Pain and trauma generate one another over and over. The cycle continues until one of us is able to see the bigger picture, to forgive and let go of what is out of our control, and to recognise that it is only hurt people, who hurt people. 

By studying my father’s past I was able to see that there was no surprise in his abusive nature and lack of emotional depth and skill. 

He was abused also, and I will not share the horror of what happened to him in this writing… 

My father moved to the UK in a time where work was the absolute priority. Survival was the objective, not emotional healing. 

He was working hard all the time to keep a roof over our heads, he did not have the luxury of self exploration and deep healing we now have. 

He couldn’t even speak English when we came to the UK. Imagine the racial abuse he must have received back then, 40+ years ago.

Growing up, I remember a time where I wanted to be just like him, eventually this became opposite for reasons unclear… perhaps for having received his insults and belittling words… 

After that, all I wanted was to be unlike him… 

I dedicated my life to ensuring I did not become another version of him. That I created my own path and was as far from him in character as I possibly could be. 

Then one day I realised, after a deep meditation I looked in the mirror and stared myself in the eyes… 

There he was. 

There is no escaping the fact that deep down… we are our fathers. 

We must be better, and that starts by releasing all blame, no matter the trauma and abuse we may have faced, taking full responsibility for where we are now, and where we are going. 

However hard your past was, however dark the abuse was, blame and resentment will do nothing for you but breed self sabotage and suffering. 

You must take full responsibility for where you are in life now. 

Responsibility for the patterns for learned behaviours and coping methods, that have attempted to deal with feelings of being unsafe, inadequate, unworthy, weak, incapable and however else you were made to feel during early years. 

Some of these learned behaviours and coping methods might look like:

  • Binge eating
  • Addiction
  • Avoidance
  • Emotional Suppression
  • Anxiety
  • Obsessive Overthinking
  • Never Feeling Good Enough
  • Crippling Insecurity
  • Inadequacy and Incapability

Whatever you find yourself stuck with… cease blaming those who inflicted this upon you and take full, radical ownership. Only through full responsibility can you then begin shaping the future you desire. 

If you struggle with any of the behaviours above and understand the role of childhood trauma in self sabotage, consider for a moment that those who abused experienced their own abuse. 

However… it’s time to end the cycle of trauma. It must end with you…

You are the one who will break the cycle. Choose to be the cycle breaker, the breaker of chains. 

The boy within must learn to forgive his abusers. He must see them also as grown, abused, wounded children simply acting upon that which they have received from their abusers.

In doing so, the boy gains maturity and takes substantial steps towards becoming the man he is to be. 

Back To The Scripture

What does it mean to atone with The Way of The Father?

 It is for a man-child to reconnect with all that was and is good about his father, and the men who came before him. 

One central aspect of this is connecting back to the religion of the father. 

God has been kicked out of school. 

Order is no longer within the home. 

The attack on family is more present than ever… and if things continue the way that they are, society will fall. 

It is said that a nation is born stoic, and dies epicurean. 

In other words, a nation is at itss strongest when there is order, challenge and a clear code to live by. 

A nation is at it’s weakest when there is no order, there are no rules, and conditions are so easy that the people can fill their days with meaningless, pleasure-based activities. 

Without God… men have no compass, no rules, no obligation for morality… this is how men fall.

Without men, a nation has nobody to protect it, homes become chaotic, without rules, and there is nobody to do the most demanding and dangerous work we all take for granted. 

I have experienced the chaos that creeps into a fatherless home. 

Getting addicted to weed, seeing my mother harden into a masculine, provider type woman, and witnessing true disharmony within the household were all by-products of my father not being there. 

Would any of this have happened if my father was still at home? Would I have been smoking weed in my bedroom if he was around? 

Don’t make me laugh… 

Never in a million years would that be tolerated.

When father is gone, order is gone and chaos ensues. 


True men let their intolerances be known. 

If you tolerate everything, then you stand for nothing… 

A true Father is devoted to God, to his religion, and he makes sure the rules are adhered to whether people like him or not. 

He may not always be liked, but a masculine father, devoted to The Most High is certainly respected. 

Seeing such a dynamic in the household is essential for healthy development in a young boy. 

To witness the differing roles of Mother and Father in play. 

Religion gives us roles, structure, order, humility, sincerity, morality, and guides us in best conducting ourselves by keeping the forces of evil out of the home.

The home is a place of sanctity when God is present. 

I understand that for you reading this, you may not resonate entirely with this section, regarding religion and atonement with The Father. 

If that is the case, I encourage you to consider the history of your family to a greater depth. 

If you father was not a religious man, then surely your grandfather or great grandfather was. 

I atoned with my father by returning to Islam. 

Not only did this grant much needed structure to my life again, it allowed me to establish a connection with The Divine once again. 

A different connection to that of new age spirituality. 

One that did not seek to bypass good and bad, but rather outlining the clear boundaries between those two, providing instruction and guidance on how to best conduct ourselves in the world for an optimal experience, here and after. 

Let me ask you a potentially startling question. I want you to be honest in answering it. 

If hard times truly did arrive during your lifetime and you were struggling to survive, fighting to live another day and provide for those you love… 

Would you kill your best friend and take what he had, or resort to cannibalism in order to stay alive? 

Consider a true survival state. Merciless, with very few, if not nobody to trust. 

What would stop you from resorting something as terrible as cannibalism? 

This is where God comes in…

For a truly religious man, cannibalism is forbidden. You might think I’m being silly here, but it is happened before our time… people were eating other people, even their own children. 

Religion brings back morality to a nation where right and wrong have become blurred. 

Without religion, people only have their own judgement to rely upon, this is both naive and arrogant. 

So how much can one trust a man-child who believes not in God and worships himself, his desires, or his intellect instead?

Through islam I was able to quit smoking weed, blessed by the Holy month of Ramadan, diving deep into 30 days of disciplined fasting and abstinence from weed, excess screens, swearing, poor self conduct and bad company. 

I swam in the ocean of Islam for that entire month. 16 months later, writing this letter, I can say this was one of the best, and most surprising decisions I have been blessed to make. 

Praise be to God. 

For if there was a person on this Earth who would have bet everything that I would not return to Islam, it was me…

To call the return to Islam a surprise for me would be an understatement. 

I consider it a miracle. 

An answer to over a decade of seeking truth with a heart, yearning to know God. 

The boy must come to know God, through nature, through scripture, through the wise men of his family’s religious community. 

Then he can learn how best to conduct himself, knowing what to move towards, and what to move away from. 

If you are quite the intellectual, deep thinker or critic, know that I am too. 

I am extremely critical of all ideas and do not simply follow. 

In releasing resentment towards my father I was able also to release emotional veils that were denying me access into the heart of Islam. 

Most of us resent God because we of the example we have been shown by such so called-righteous people of religion. 

It is up to us to once again take full responsibility for where we are, and to ask high quality questions about the nature of existence, and to then, most importantly, seek to clarify our questions and doubts about God from a logical, rational mind. 

A lot of boy-minded males today are too emotional about the topic of science and religion to see clearly. 

They do not understand that the two are inseparable. 

Such people often turn to nihilism or the worship of scientific theory. 

The boy must seek truth, rationally and honestly from a place that is sincere and curious. 

In doing this he will clarify his doubts and regain connection to The Divine. 

This will add tremendous meaning to his life, and provide a structure through which he can conduct himself well within the world. 

Without this, he is subject to the temptation of darkness. 

Living without morality, ready to betray his brothers…

Indulging in the world of form, worshipping creation, not The Creator. 

The Dreamer: An Imagined Life


Boys love to dream, yet they seldom take action. 

The man-child has a strong tendency to come up with great ideas, yet fails on bringing these into reality. 

He lives an ethereal life, failing to accept the blood and guts of life in the real world, not understanding what It truly takes to bring any idea into physical form. 

Hard work. 

He expects his parents and those around him to solve his personal problems. For this is the treatment he has been given since young. 

He has been over-mothered… this burns him in adult life when reality hits.

The absence of a strong father and presence of an overbearing mother will destroy a young man’s capacity to create beauty and benefit within the world. 

Although well intended and attempting to protect, his mother convinces him to choose safety over taking lofty risks. 

She wishes for him to undergo no harm, yet this only makes the boy weaker. For in order to become a man he must learn to subject himself to pain and learn to endure it. 

There must be risks taken. There must be loss. There must be failure… in order for there to be triumph, success and victory. 

The pursuit of dreams therefore comes with the inevitable disappointment of Mother. 

She will never approve of the boy exposing himself to danger and challenge, especially if he is already weak. She does not understand that this is what he needs in order to cultivate strength…


In detaching from the mother, the boy must also learn to accept his mothers disapproval. 

She will inevitably do so, for she will see his father in him, the man she resents most (if he was not present, masculine and authoritative). 

The mother will feel fear as the boy steps out into the big world, and he must allow her to feel that way, renouncing responsibility for this and taking on his own burdens. 

This is far from easy. Yet it is essential. 

You may be a man-child yourself, or perhaps you know somebody who is well-grown physically, yet immature in psychology. 

Ever inspired by ideas and concepts, but unwilling to go any further than the level of intellectualisation. 

Such a person is skilled in engaging in deep, thought provoking conversations, yet that is as far as it goes. 

The work is missing. The action is lacking. The integrity is weak, and no idea comes to fruition. 

A man-child like this must learn to take the risk of embracing the failures that are inseparable from the process of achieving success. 

He must be willing to humiliate himself on that journey, persisting and never giving up on his vision. 

This will require a set of skills, consistent input, courage and the clarity created by a clean, well conducted life. 

Creating more than one consumes. 

Acting more than one speaks. 

The boy-minded man is a spectator in his life. He spends his days watching other men go to battle, dominating their competition, overcoming their inner darkness and conquering their weaknesses. 

To him, such a pursuit is for those inside the TV. However… his indulgence in entertainment points towards a truth laying dormant within his heart. 

He wishes to be like the men he spectates. The fighter, the warrior, the athlete, the soldier, the monk, the magician or The Slayer of Beasts…

Within his heart is the aspiration to be like such men. They reflect the self image he would dream of having. Yet he enjoys this brief high as a spectator, dreams a little more about being such a man and goes back to indulging in instant gratification… 

Why is he stuck in the realm of dreaming? 

What is stopping him from rising up to his potential and perhaps emulating or even surpassing those he spectates?

It lays within his deep subconscious… which we will dive into shortly.

A boy dreams of becoming the hero, yet is stuck living as the spectator in his life. 

He is like an extra within a movie, a shadow of what he could be… an NPC (non-playable character) in a video game. 

An evolved man is player number 1, the main character, the protagonist, the hero in his life… the star of his own show.

Alining thoughts and words with actions, working to become a man that has integrity in what he says and does. 

Do what you say you will do. 

Otherwise… do not say it at all. 

Under-commitment & Denial of Responsibility

The man-child dreams big, yet is afraid of committing to something that may burden him with a responsibility he can not escape from. 

Ironically, this can be seen as the fear of success, for if he is to succeed in actualising his dreams, he may then be required to live a more regimented and rigid life. 

This is contrary to the life he prefers, which is one of fleeting, floating and flowing from interest to interest, pursuit to pursuit, without making any real, meaningful progress. 

He would much rather spend his days lounging, indulging in rich foods and entertainment, having deep conversations… 

Yet these eventually grow tiresome for those who see him seldom taking action. 

However deeply he dives into psychology and philosophy, it does not rise above the level of potential, for he does not act upon the high he feels when epiphanies strike. 

A woman may appear in his life whom with he shares love. The relationship may deepen into the realms of love and intimacy he longs for, yet ultimately he sabotages the relationship, for commitment (to him) is the annihilation of freedom. 

The boyish-minded man believes that more options equals freedom, when in reality, too much choice only leads to confusion, overwhelm and the frustration of making no significant progress towards his dream of one day having his own family. 

As this appears in his romantic life, it also presents itself in his professional pursuits. 

He begins working a job or honing a skilled craft, then finds himself quitting when he grows bored, moving onto the next subject, and the next. 

This is due to his lack of clear, meaningful, transpersonal vision. That being, a vision of the future that is based not only on his own benefit, but on the benefit of his family to be, his nation and the greater whole. 

Such a man-child is deluded into believing that freedom is being able to do whatever he wants, whenever he wants. 

In the end he must suffer the truth and reality when it becomes clear that this is not the case.

A life without order, without structure, and without limitation is putrefying for a man. 

It breeds weakness in his character and turns him into a glutton. 

Consuming beyond his capacity, paralysing himself with quick rewards and sensory pleasures that leave him without drive, purpose or fulfilment in life. 

This is exactly what I experienced when travelling solo around Europe for 2.5 years, pursuing that which I believed to be freedom. A life without money, without responsibility, without obligation or work… 

Free roaming national parks and hitch hiking from city to city, camping in villages and out on my own in the great wide world, I was living my biggest dream. 

Yet in the end, although I do treasure my experiences, a cloud of depression and despair descended upon me. 

I knew I was here to do more than simply fleet from one country to the next, that I was more than a leaf blowing in the wind… that I was here to do great things, to share the tools I had cultivated through a decade of Yoga & Meditation practice, along with the findings I had discovered on my journey from crippling insecurity and low confidence, to one of esteem and self mastery.

It was upon this despair that I returned home to become a teacher of Yoga & Meditation, which sparked the beginning of coaching and teaching others the art of inner peace, bettering their health, and living more meaningful lives. 


Another episode of my life that lead me to the realisation that freedom is in discipline, is the story of falling deep into the pattern of weed addiction and daily binge eating. 

I will share that story another time, for now we must stick to the point, that being, that the boyish man believes freedom to be in more options, when in reality it is in disciplining himself, committing to that which is in front of him, eliminating distractions and pouring his heart into a responsibility that transcends his own selfishness. 

When he lives a self centred life, he may believe that he is pursuing freedom, but in reality he is only tightening the chains of slavery. 

Five sense slavery, repeatedly seeking to gratify his pleasures yet failing to achieve a true sense of satisfaction. 

Promiscuous with women and the world, romantically flowing from one country or woman to another, afraid of the real commitment and responsibility that comes with planting roots and developing a solid foundation. 

If only he knew that the freedom he longs for would be found in building a solid foundation. 

That in order to live a fulfilled life he must engage and participate in society, not attempt to escape it.

Functioning as a human, a being of The Earth, bringing his head down from the clouds to the ground. 

The integrated, masculine man knows this well. He leads a family, experiences joy and pride in carrying the weight of responsibility, and feels immensely fulfilled in living his life for a reason and purpose greater than himself alone. 

A real man transcends his ego, honing his unique gifts, skills and inclinations to benefit those around him. 

For this he is loved. 

With discipline he is free from impulsive, compulsive self-destruction. 

Even if he seldom travels far from home…

He is indeed a traveller. 

Deeply engaged in the adventure of becoming the best version of himself, the inner journey… that is, becoming the best man he can be, mastering his unique role in the world.

Subconscious Limitation: Beneath The Surface

Sooner or later we must all begin looking within and seeking deeper truth about who we are, and why we have certain tendencies. 

Boy-minded men do not look within. In fact, they are afraid of what resides within the mind, frightened by a thought, averse to silence, scared of solitude and self reflection. 

This can and must only be because that which is within them feels to some degree unpleasant and intimidating. 

If provided the option of walking down two paths, one foul smelling and dangerous, and one beautifully decorated with colourful flowers and a pleasant aroma, you would surely choose the second. 

The man-child would rather live a life an easy life… externally focused, materialistic and atheistic, never discovering the depths of his heart, mind and soul. 

He concerns himself not with that of the unseen. For to him this is mere fantasy, like the movies he sits and watches, unconsciously or consciously wishing that magic was real. 

If only he was to know that magic is indeed real… 

That the truth may be even stranger than fiction. 

A man must look into himself, for it is only there that he will find the peace he yearns for. 

Not only that, it is where he will find his deepest sense of freedom, beyond the illusion of liberty created by money, possessions, and being able to do what he pleases. 

True freedom is found within, through coming to know oneself and ones nature deeply, learning to recognise the limitations and subconscious programs that run unconscious behaviour and patterns like self-sabotage.

The subconscious mind is responsible for over 90% of human functioning. 

All addictions, self destructive behaviours, self limitations and deep insecurities lay within the subconscious. 

What is the subconscious? I would be lying if I pretended to know exactly what it is, however my experience and research have lead me to understand that it could well be some conjunction between the brain and the nervous system. 

Or even… the body. 

Sub-conscious… sub means under

Under conscious? Under the head… Is the body our subconscious mind? 

There would be much evidence to reinforce such a claim. 

The subconscious mind stores ideas, stories, beliefs and convictions we hold true about ourselves, life, others and the world. 

Experiences lead to ideas, ideas lead to stories and narratives, narratives lead to beliefs and these are then cemented into convictions which go unquestioned for most, until one is courageous and humble enough to challenge them. 

Not all convictions are true. In fact, most of them are not true at all. 

The boy-minded man has conviction in the belief that he is not worthy… he is not good enough… he is less than others… that perhaps he is incapable, unintelligent, unsafe, a failure, ugly and unattractive. 

These are of course not true…

We are free to become the best version of ourselves, if we are willing to make the choice. 

Such convictions based on fundamental lies are called limiting beliefs. 

It is the limiting beliefs of the man-child that hold him back from becoming the man he is supposed to be. 

Through studying yourself and examining your inner dialogue, digging to the root of your fears and insecurities you will reveal the ideas, narratives, beliefs and convictions you hold within your subconscious. 


These are the computer programs running your behaviour, even if you are unconscious of this process taking place. The man-child is of course unconsciously acting his behaviours out, as he operates most of the time in an auto-pilot state. 

He must become more mindful, observant and aware of his thoughts and feelings which lead to his actions, seeing how these are all generating or reinforcing his limiting beliefs. 

Limiting beliefs like those above, plus others: 

  • I’ll never find someone who loves me
  • I’m going to die alone
  • It’s all my fault 
  • I am weak 
  • I am a failure 
  • I don’t deserve good things 
  • I’m not worthy 
  • I’m shy
  • I’m not confident 
  • I’m not good at math
  • I’m not good at sports
  • I’m not safe to express how I feel
  • I don’t trust men
  • I don’t trust women…
  • There’s not enough time
  • I don’t have enough money

The list can go on and on. 

An actionable step you can take to make the most out of this Mastery Letter (and ensure you take significant steps towards becoming the man you wish to be), would be to write down all of the limiting beliefs and convictions you are holding on to. 

Some of these may be clear at first, others may be more obscure. 

Practice being more mindful in your life. Incrementally and spontaneously take deep, mindful breaths. 

Sit and practice meditation (just being), observing your thoughts, not attempting to control them but witnessing your inner dialogue as it speaks. Do this for a minimum of 5 minutes a day. 

This will shed light on what is within your subconscious, on that which you have perhaps been unaware of until now. 

Finally, the third piece of advice would be to pay close attention to what goes on within you when you are emotionally triggered. 

Dig deeper into the root of the feeling, notice how your mind speaks when you are emotional, angry, jealous, sad, anxious, craving and such…

Inquiring into emotion and asking ‘why?’ Repeatedly, with curiosity will help you in revealing unconscious, subconscious programs that have perhaps been running you against yourself until now. 

Real change must be done at a subconscious level. 

If not, change will only appear on the surface and soon be overpowered by the deep rooted beliefs we hold about ourselves, others and the world. 

If you believe you’re fat deep down, and that is how you see yourself, you will always find a way to maintain that self image.

No matter how hard you try to lose weight, you will find yourself frustrated in a cycle of losing weight and putting it all back on shortly after. 

For having a lean and aesthetic physique is not aligned with who you believe you are, your self image prefers the familiar.

This is the power of the subconscious. 

You will force yourself into living in line with your self image. For better or for worse. 

This may lead you to the question of… how do I then change my subconscious programs? 

A man-child won’t ask such a question… but a real man will… 

It is a process… one I will dive into much more in another Mastery Letter, you can be sure of that. 

However what I will say is that it begins with awareness of the limiting beliefs that have been running unconsciously until now. 

Then the next most important step is in taking consistent, repeated action that ultimately leads to a stack of evidence backing up the fact that you are more than you imagined. 

The boy-minded man must learn to take courageous, consistent action and surprise himself with what he is capable of. 

He may not believe it at first, for he will be accessing parts of himself that he never knew were there, or he will reignite positive aspects of himself that he had mistakenly forgotten.

Consider the following diagram representing the formation of behaviour patterns and empowering or disempowering beliefs.

Repeatedly, impulsively reacting to boredom and any sensation of unpleasantness leads to deeply engrained destructive habits.

This is how to lose oneself...

To repeatedly act as one's better self would...

This is what it feels like to get your confidence back, or to take your life back…

The Man-child lives a life on the surface. A shallow life lacking depth and inquisition. 

He must learn to look deeper, for it is there that he will find both peace, potential and truth. 

He must conduct an honest study on himself, coming to understand why he is the way he is. And why those who abused him were they way they were. 

In doing so, he will be more empowered to take decisive action, breaking the patterns of self destructive behaviour and limitation in his life… 

Relinquishing blame. 

Wielding responsibility and accountability. 

Transitioning from an NPC… 

To the star of the show…

The hero himself.

Individuation: Integrating The Inner Child

All of this talk about the man-child… the grown male who’s psychological and spiritual depth are merely that of a boy…

Although he is not what we should inspire to be…

Although he is indeed a great danger to society…

And although he can not be trusted… 

There is a call for compassion with such men, including you, if you feel as though you have been reading much about yourself. 

Why is that? 


A term used by the famous Carl Jung. 

It means to embark on the journey of destroying your demons, while preserving your angels. 

When we pursue Self Mastery and aim to improve ourselves through the cultivation of masculine virtues like discipline, courage, will-power, strength and commitment, we can fall into the trap of destroying the child like essence within us altogether. 

The aim in all of this is not to become a tyrant in the process of becoming better, but to become an individuated, whole-hearted man. 

There must still be play in our lives, not for the sake of wasting away time, but so that we may access the depth, insight, curiosity and benefit that come with play. 

Aim not to kill your inner child but rather, devour him… 

Absorb him, so that he no longer leads you, but you lead him. 

Console him… for in recognising the pain you have felt, you will understand both yourself and others to a greater depth. 

This is the core of what we call Inner Child Work, healing the boy within who was afraid, confused, hurt and alone… 

When the wounded inner-boy leads the way during adult life, he will most likely lead us into chaos and destruction. 

However, if we are to console and lead the boy, embodying the attitudes and sentiments of the fathers that perhaps we wish we had had… we will triumph into the realm of Mature, Integrated Masculinity. 

Providing for and protecting those we love and are responsible for. 

Building great things in the world that impact not only us but others positively, 

Being men of discipline, not destruction… 

Creating a world where women feel safe enough to yield into their feminine nature,

Where men come together as brothers with the intent of growing closer to The Divine, living with purpose, making family and community strong again. 

If you felt as though you were reading about yourself throughout this Mastery Letter, know one thing… 

The man-child is not destined to a life of despair… Alone, unhealthy, unfulfilled, still living in his mothers house at 50. 

At least… only if he has the heed to do the hard work and get his act together. 

If he has sincerity in his heart to be a better man, a trustworthy man, a strong man who protects and provides for his family, then there is hope in his transformation. 

I wish to emphasise the word sincerity here. 

For if he is yet again dreaming with no action, he will continue to spiral downwards into The Abyss. 

Recognise your unconscious patterns. 

Become aware of the people pleaser in you. 

Reflect on your past relationships with women, including that with your mother… 

See the pain that can come as a by-product of men failing to embody their masculine potential. 

The cost this has in relationship, causing women to harden, adopting a more masculine role as compensation for the man-child’s lack of masculinity. 

The splitting of the family, bringing chaos to the home and trauma to the children. 

And the cycle that continues over and over throughout the generations if this is not addressed. 

We need to be men again… 

We need to take full responsibility for where we are in life, and find ways to initiate ourselves into manhood in a way that is perhaps different to the ways of old. 

Finding our mentors and guides, whether in the physical world or via the internet. 

Facing up to the challenge of detaching from The Way of The Mother, and atoning with The Way of The Father. 

If you truly wish to be a better man, find a reason to live that goes beyond your own personal desires. 

Only in transcending the self is there true, lasting fulfilment for a man. 

There’s always more room to dive deeper, this surely won’t be the last we speak about boy-psychology in modern men. 

I thank you for taking the time to read all the way until the end, you are patient and sincere if you did so… 

And If you have an offer, proposition or request that you honestly believe will be of interest to me, I encourage you to message me directly on instagram @usman_unchained starting with the word ‘interesting’ then leaving your message.

On that note, I wish you well. 

This topic was deep to write about, for I have lived much of it myself and am still on my personal  journey to becoming the integrated masculine man that I, my parents, future family and society need me to be. 

Have a great week. 

Stay blessed and…

Stay sharp. 


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

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As an ex weed addict and binge eater, i've designed a bulletproof path to attain freedom from self destructive behaviour patterns.

Behaviour change is a science. If you find yourself taking one step forwards and three steps back it's because you lack the tools I teach in my Unchained Program

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