The Mastery Letter

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It took me 30 years to learn this secret to the universe

Have you ever heard of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs?

Here, take a look.

Perhaps you’ve seen this before.

Many learn about this in the study of psychology.

The premise is that in order to rise through the ranks one has to fulfil the needs within each level.

Physiological needs come first.

Then financial, emotional, societal and spiritual are built upon in succession.

However… here’s the thing.

I’ve learned something recently about this on my personal journey of self-mastery.

Something quite controversial…

It doesn’t necessarily work the way we’ve been taught.

You see, in the modern day we have our base needs fulfilled.

As a matter of fact, those needs are over-fulfilled.

Food is available in surplus.

There’s almost too much food in the world.

At least for those of us who live in modern society.

A few screen taps on our devices and food arrives at the front door ready to be consumed with very little physical effort or energy exchange.

Times are good.

So good that some of us can spend the whole day sleeping without disruption.

Free money from the government slides into our bank accounts, or we receive a monthly income for showing up to our sedentary jobs, sitting behind computers and again, offering very little real energy exchange.

Of course, work has to be done. But it’s nothing like what was required from our ancestors.

This over-fulfilment and hyper-convenient satisfaction of our base needs is making us weak.

This is where the controversy comes in.

Maslow’s hierarchy needs an update.

There’s a secret I’ve come to realise that flips things completely upside down.

Perhaps you have your needs fulfilled, but your life lacks the very fulfilment you wish to have.

You have goals you wish to pursue, but you can’t get yourself to take action because you’re too busy indulging in the comforts and sensory pleasures so easily accessible today.

For years I struggled with just that.

Smoking weed from morning until night.

Binge eating like a maniac.

And feeling as though my life was a complete waste.

I had all of my needs fulfilled, but I myself was empty.

The past 3 years have been incredible.

I’ve undergone a complete life transformation.

My food relationship is on point.

I can’t remember the last time I binge ate.

I haven’t smoked weed in over 3 years.

And I’ve impacted more lives through my social media and coaching business over the last 3 months than I did in 5 slow years before that.

What changed?

I started inflicting adversity upon myself.

No… it’s not what you think.

Let me explain.

Self Inflicted Adversity

Like I said earlier, when our base needs (sleep, food, water, social connection, stimulation) are over-fulfilled we fall into weaker, less admirable versions of ourselves.

You’re probably experiencing this in some way right now.

You know you could be better.

You know you could be doing more.

You know there’s a seed of potential within you, burning like a sun waiting to expand out into the world…

But it lays dormant.


Because you’re playing too safe.

Because you’re too comfortable.

Because you’ve got it too good.

Even the most beneficial of medicines become poisonous when abused.

We humans are abusing the blessings God has bestowed upon us through the advancement of societies technological capability.

In order to wake up your dormant seed of potential you must sacrifice your base needs.

This is not a new message.

This is ancient wisdom that has been right in front of my eyes for all of these years.

Yet I am only now understanding the secret.

You don’t need the car.

You don’t need the time spend with people that don’t uplift you.

You don’t need the money, the tech, or the many conveniences and luxuries available to you.

What you do need is sleep.

What your physical body needs to survive is food and water.

And what your emotional body needs is social connection

This is the secret.

Sacrifice the things you actually need and God will reward you insurmountably.

In words you might be familiar with.


Wake up early.

And embrace solitude.

Offerings To The Divine

Here’s how I make sense of this.

Maybe it will help you see it in a practical sense.

When you’re willing to delay gratification and sensory pleasure, you’re strengthened in character.

When your character is strong, your potential wakes up.

When your potential is awoken, you’re in a position to do great things in this world, for this life and the next.

Have you ever noticed how you feel after indulging in rich, high carbohydrate, hyper-palatable foods?

You feel tired, lethargic, and void of drive to take decisive action towards your meaningful goals.

The more you sleep, the more you want to sleep. In doing this you lose valuable time and go about your day as a fraction of the person you could be.

When you waste valuable hours with people that don’t share your dream, those who don’t quite understand you or see your light, you dim yourself down and start settling for a lesser life.

Either just to fit in, or due to a lack of self-assured confidence.

Sacrificing your base needs is the remedy you seek.

Fast, wake up early, and embrace solitude.

That is the core message of this Mastery Letter.

When you do so, not only will you be more productive and driven towards your goals. You’ll feel the sense of fulfilment you crave on all levels physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Eat simple, like a monk.

Not for taste or sensual pleasure, but to fuel your organism.

Practically speaking and using my own experience as a reference, meat, fat, vegetables and berries do the job.

Foods that do not spike your insulin levels leaving you with a sharp dip in energy and drive.

No rice, no pasta, no bread, and certainly no refined, ultra-processed non-foods.

Don’t overcomplicate this.

You know what I’m talking about.

The same goes for sleep and social connection.

Sleep less, wake up and get to work, even if you’re tired.

If you have to start the day slowly (like I do) then do so.

Pray, meditate, read philosophical, psychological, inspiring or sacred texts and fill your mind with uplifting wisdom.

Journal, write out your thoughts and begin the day creating rather than consuming.

Say no to the social interactions you know are draining you.

Withdraw yourself from relationships that are scattering your energy and taking valuable input away from the actualisation of your ideal future.

Not because you want to punish yourself.

But… (here’s the key).

As offerings to God and a sign of your gratitude for all that is available to you.

Only then, through intentional abstinence and subjecting yourself to voluntary adversity can you show your Creator that you mean business on this Earth.

That you’re not here for the sense pleasures and comforts.

That yes those things exist, but your purpose exceeds them.

You were built for more.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

And this voluntary adversity of withdrawing from your base needs is the surest way to prove your worth to your Lord.

The Mystics And Reformers Of Old And New

The greatest of people to walk this Earth understood the message I’m attempting to share with you.

Sheikhs, saints, world leaders, and game changers all subject(ed) themselves to voluntary adversity.

Fasting in the desert.

Praying through the night.

Rising up early to work on their contribution to the world, even though they feel sleep deprived.

Even though the lower self cries out for comfort, food, and connection to others.

The truest fulfilment is Self Actualisation.

That is at the top of Maslow’s hierarchy.

If you want it in the modern day, you must sacrifice your base needs, forging yourself into the person you most admire.

You most show up and do the work, especially when you don’t feel like it.

This is no easy path.

This is only for those who are serious enough about fulfilling their true purpose on Earth.

That is, to become the greatest version of themselves, waking up the seed of potential that once lay dormant within and delivering that person to the world.

This is the infinite game.

It has no end until death.

It continues even with the coming and going of wealth, external success and material gain.

It is internal success.

And from internal success, external success is manifested.

As within… so without.

So goes the old adage and Universal Law.

When your character is solid, sharp and strong, your life will be a living paradise regardless of circumstance. 


Because no matter what your situation, there you are.

There is the person you have built through consistently offering up your base needs sacrificially to The Divine Force.

God. Allah. The Source. The Universe. Whatever word you want to use to refer to your Creator…

The wisest and most impactful people from past and in present will agree to this.

Refine your spirit through abstinence.

Align your compass through solitude.

And actualise your purpose through discipline.


I am currently in the middle of experiencing life transformation through applying this knowledge.

If you want to transform your own life you must detach from the external world and prioritise your internal.

Do this by once again, willingly sacrificing your base needs.

I’m not encouraging your to kill yourself.

What I’m suggesting is that you subject yourself to voluntary suffering and adversity.

This alone will re-shape your life.

You will re-shape the way you see yourself.

You will walk proud as somebody who is aligned with his/her core values and beliefs.

And you will leave a tremendously positive mark upon the world.

If that is, you stay consistent and show up every single day.

When you miss (which you very well might do), just right back on course.

Keep going and play the long game.

Because this isn’t a short term fad.

This is forever.

And this will separate you from 99% of the indulgent, comfort addicted settlers who wonder why they’re suffering so.

It is both my duty and yours to become the best versions of ourselves, and to give that person to the world.

There are people who need guidance, assistance, help and support.

They’re waiting for you.

So get to work.

If you read all the way to this point, you are my friend one of the chosen few who take themselves seriously.

If you want to be 1% of the 1%, then apply what you have learned and do not let it be yet another mental masturbation.

Get to work.

Sacrifice sleep, food and social connection.

You will find who you truly are.

And you will undoubtedly create something wonderful for this world.

While securing yourself (God willing) a lofty position in the next.

It’s only a matter of time.

I was wrong about Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs.

It’s not about fulfilling each level any more.

Thriving in the modern world requires us to sacrifice those needs instead.

Before you go, I have some invitations I want to extend to you personally.

Alpha Mind - Learn to master your mind for bulletproof concentration, focus and unshakeable inner-peace with this self-lead course (click here)

The Unchained Method - Break the chains of self-destructive behaviour patterns and become the person you most admire through 1:1 personalised coaching, so you can give that person to the world. (Learn more here)

5 Element Yoga System - Establish the daily habit of mindful movement for health, longevity and serenity of mind with this self-lead course. (Learn more here)

Free Offerings:

The Mastery Letter: Get your mind blown weekly and read the things about my personal life, discoveries and experiences I don’t share anywhere else ever Thursday at 6:30pm (sign up free)

Habit Tracker: Download you free self accountability system. Track your habits and stay consistent in positive behaviour change. (download here)

With that being said.

Have a great week.

Stay sharp.

And stay blessed.


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

When you're ready, here's how i can help you:

Create Long Term Life Behaviour Change

As an ex weed addict and binge eater, i've designed a bulletproof path to attain freedom from self destructive behaviour patterns.

Behaviour change is a science. If you find yourself taking one step forwards and three steps back it's because you lack the tools I teach in my Unchained Program

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The work i'm most proud of doing at the moment is coaching men and women on a 1:1 and group basis so that they can transform their health, mind, body and relationships for the better.

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