The Mastery Letter

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Intuition: Your 6th Sense & How To Strengthen It

You know what to do, but you’re avoiding the decision.

You know the change you must make, yet you’re delaying the execution.


What are you afraid of?

Making the wrong choice?

Feeling as though you made a mistake?

The inner sense begins as a whisper.

Your conscience is signalling to you that something isn’t right.

Yet you ignore it and pretend as though you do not hear…

And why is that?

Because you fear the loss of something you care for?

Is it due to the uncertainties of the future?

Your lack of trust in His plan?

Eventually the whisper gets louder.

If you continue to ignore what you know to be right, it will scream.

And what will you do?

Will you then listen? Before it is too late?

Or will your inner ear remain ignorant or deaf to the truth?

It takes courage to listen to your inner-sense.

By doing so, one restores and preserves innocence.

The seed of light within one’s heart that attaches not to worldly forms.

That allows the passage of time to unfold in its perfect, unpredictable nature with full surrender.


The 6th sense of “just knowing”…

It must be trained, practiced and sharpened persistently if one is to a void the exhausting cycles of indecision, unnecessary delay and settling for life conditions that are sub-optimal.

If you wish to live the life you love, leaving that which is holding you back, and to rise to the potential within your heart you will be tested.

This life is a trust exercise.

Do you trust in letting go and being lead by Allah?

Do you have faith that you are being guided and that all is perfect in His Divine Order?

Do you possess the courage to walk through uncertainty as your needs for safety and security are threatened?

And are you optimistic and present enough to keep your eyes open so that when the signs reveal themselves, you’re there to see them?

If your answer is no, or you’re currently in a situation of indecision, and ignoring your inner-sense then keep on reading.

Intrusive Thoughts?

It was ignoring my intuition that manifested into intense, gut-churning anxiety from morning until night.

My second relationship with a beautiful young woman here in Liverpool…

“Something doesn’t feel right about this” my mind whispered one day.

Reflexively, I shunned the thought and forced it away.


Because I felt guilty.

If my thoughts were true that would mean I had to end the relationship.

And that would lead to heartbreak.

I never wanted to be involved in breaking another person’s heart.

“To be the bad guy” in someones life…

And so I pushed away, and pushed away, and pushed away those thoughts in my mind.

“No!” I shouted internally…

Hoping they would go away by themselves.

But they never did…

The relationship soon turned sour.

It became clear as day, something really wasn’t right with this relationship.

I was being oppressed.

Unable to express my honest truth and feelings without an emotional eruption exploding onto me.

My subconscious did not feel safe.

Nor was it possible to communicate this, for she at the time lacked sufficient emotional maturity.

The voice I had ignored and wished away was the inner voice of intuition telling me very early on that the relationship would create a lot of pain.

My attachment to her, and the image of myself as a harmless creature prevented me from making the decision I know I needed to make deep down.

After 2 years of friction and suffering, I finally decided to do it.

When of course… my intuition was screaming so loud, and the conditions had turned so bad, that I could not afford to ignore any longer.

I thank God that the circumstances worsened, for if not, I may have continued to ignore the inner-sense.

This is a true curse you should wish not to experience.

Deafness to your inner sense.

The end of your ability to hear the whisper of Allah speaking to you from within.

A heart turned black is hard to turn back.

An ear turned deaf is hard to wake

And eye turned blind is hard to revive

Therefore, if your circumstances eventually reach an unbearable level, this is a gift.

A gift that says Allah is still trying to help you.

He’s still offering his hand.

He’s still presenting to you an invitation for change.

If your inner ear is deaf, meaning you’re ignoring important matters in your life that need addressing, and your circumstances are fine… you should be worried.

It could be that you have plugged your ears for so long, denying the message from your soul that Allah has chosen to misguide you.

When this is the case, you must repent.

For all those clear signals that went ignored.

For all those times where you trusted not in Allah.

For all those worldly matters you clung and clutched to out of fear of the unknown and doubt in Allah’s providence.

He always provides…

And he will always help things work out in the most perfect of ways.

Intrusive thoughts often times (yet not always) are signals from your conscience.

Signals that are pointing you towards what it is you need to do.

They don’t start off as intrusive.

It is ignoring the call of your conscience and repeatedly attempting to push it away that leads to your mind being bombarded by its screams.

The 2 Most Common Fears

The simplest reason for a weak intuition is fear.

You are afraid to let go.

You are afraid to make a decision that seems somewhat irrational.

You are afraid to listen to the inner-sense, because it does not make pure, logical sense.

And you are also afraid of losing that which is currently in your life, if the call of your conscience is asking you to let it go.

Scarcity, poverty…

This is the first most common fear found within the human psyche.

The fear of not having enough.

You could call this the fear of poverty

The reason why so many of us settle for work situations we would rather leave is due to the fear of poverty.

We do not wish to experience scarcity in this life.

Such a fear is enslaving because it tricks you into attaching yourself to money, struggling to let it go, which has an effect opposite to that which you desire.

That being, it puts you in a poverty mindset, and destroys any chance of you becoming financially secure.

Clutching to money due to the fear of losing it is the surest way to stay poor and just-over-broke.

Your intuition might be telling you to leave the job you hate so much and pursue that which you love.

Of course, it would be wise to build your side-quest to a particular level before leaving, allowing yourself to transition more smoothly.

But what do most people do?


They just settle for a life that is “alright” or “not bad”.

This my friend is no life for us.

The inner sense that calls you to change your career path is ignored due to the fear of failure which is ultimately, the fear of poverty.

When we clutch this way to our income and refuse to change direction even when our hearts are screaming at us, it shows how little we trust in God’s providence.

He is providing for us in every way is He not?

Every breath, every sip, every morsel of food…

It is all from Him.

We speak about Allah’s sustenance and how it is pre-ordained for each and every one of us.

Yet when it comes down to it, our actions do not follow our belief.

“True faith is faith with action” - Usman Ali

Listening to your inner sense in cases where the fear of poverty arises is surely testing.

In honesty, I struggle with it too to some degree.

I never used to when I was in my early 20s.

But now that I am 30 and considering marriage and raising a family some time soon…

It’s different.

Nevertheless the truth remains.

The fear of losing money creates poverty because poverty is a mindset.

If you take the leap you will either learn how little you actually need or come to realise that no matter what happens, you’ll be ok because God is looking out for you, and good things come to those who are grateful.

The second fear that blocks us so from hearing our conscience or intuition is the fear of death.

Perhaps your inner-call is guiding you towards a dream you must fulfil.

Yet, you’re so concerned with what people might think about you that you decide to play safe and forget about your dream.

The voice does not go away however.

It keeps calling, until your dream starts to haunt you.

Why is rejection or disapproval from others such a blockage for so many of us?

Because ultimately this touches within us the fear of death…

Rejection means being outcast.

Being outcast means being alone.

Being alone means being vulnerable to attack or natural dangers.

And those mean to the primal sense within us… death.

Perhaps you want to travel the world on your own.

Yet you fear being kidnapped.

Fear of death once again kills the dream and convinced you to ignore your inner-call.

In my personal experience the challenge has been to speak about meditation, yoga and mental health within the Islamic community.

It’s somewhat taboo to speak about these things.

There are many misunderstandings that claim Yoga to be forbidden.

Honestly I do not see it that way.

Yet regardless of what I see, the hate still comes!

I didn’t post about such topics on social media for years because I feared the negative comments I would get.

Until I finally, mid 2024 decided to go all in on my dream.

Impacting as many lives as possible, doing what I love and helping others solve the problems I have already overcome.

When I started posting, the hate came in heavy waves.

But then… something interesting happened.

People started messaging me saying how much my content was helping them.

That it was allowing them to see Islam through a whole new lens.

One that is not limited by just sticking to rules and following the crowd.

But an Islam that allows for the curious, truth seeker to feel satisfied.

I continued posting despite the negative comments, focusing only on the good ones and experience more audience growth than I ever have in the last 6 years.

In fact, in 4 months I was able to literally 10x my follower count.

All through being authentic.

Embracing the fear of rejection and judgement, of failure and therefore death.

Listening to my conscience and following the call of my heart.

The call of intuition…

Now, the majority of comments and direct messages are positive.

Some messages are so touching that it fuels me to continue.

And for the few haters that are still around, it means absolutely nothing but having content the algorithm favours more due to higher engagement.

The fear of poverty…

The fear of death….

From these two fears stem all others.

The fear of rejection, abandonment, failure, letting go…

These two fears are what deceive us into ignoring our intuition and therefore not using it.

When intuition has nowhere to go or no way to express itself, it atrophies like any other muscle.

You must practice using it as you would strengthen your physical body.

Start small.

Take small risks and accept the less grand calls from your heart,

Very soon you will begin to experience an increase in magic throughout your life.

Such serves as the perfect positive reinforcement you will always remember.

And from there, you must continue to keep the intuition strong and yourself receptive to it.

Stronger Every Day

Once you reach the edge of your comfort zone, it’s time to expand again.

In the physical gym, you can choose when you want to add more weight to the bar.

If you don’t voluntarily increase the resistance against your muscles, you’ll cease to grow, eventually quitting due to boredom and lacking a sense of achievement.

The spiritual gym is very much similar except for the fact that Allah places upon you a weight and says “lift”, regardless of whether or not you feel ready.

You can attempt to avoid rising to the challenge through various escapist strategies which often take the shape of addictive, self-destructive behaviours…

Or you can accept the weight Allah has chosen for you, lift it, and strengthen your spiritual will.

The stronger your will, the more decisive you’ll become.

The more decisive you are, the better you get at taking courageous action and trusting that Allah will spot you.

That he will assist you on the path.

But you must take the first step.

You must show that you are willing to trust.

Nobody can do that for you.

Here’s the best part.

The stronger you become spiritually through following the call of your conscience and sacrificing what you fear losing, the more you will be surprised by what is actually possible.

The magic mystery of life and its synchronous patterns are waiting for you.

And as long as you remain attached and without trust, you deny yourself that treasure.

The reward for trusting in Allah and having the courage to let go of attachments is a life full of miracles and abundance.

Things will fit together in the oddest of ways.

Everything will fall in to place, for this is Allah’s perfect, divine plan you are now synching up with.

As opposed to operating upon the plan of your limited, human perception.

Action Step: Write a list of everything you’re currently attached to, i.e afraid to lose and everything you’re avoiding, i.e afraid to fail in.

Choose an item from the list that is both exciting and somewhat intimidating to consider rising up to.

Make it your mission to either let this thing go or face it once and for all.

When you’re done, move on to the next.

This will be your life’s work…

And these list items are what your conscience is calling you to.

The things you fear losing the most are the things Allah wants you to let go of.

Because He wants you to learn that even if you lose the things you think you can’t live without, you will be.

Everything will be ok in the end.

Because everything is temporary, this world, your problems, even your body and mind. While Allah, whom we will come to know fully when he chooses us for death, is infinite and boundless, as is your soul… formless and without limit.

He wants you to learn that the things you’re most afraid of failing in, are those things you should be facing up to.

For in doing so you will understand how the ego (nafs) is not you, and it does not have your true best interests at heart.

It only wishes to remain safe in comfort.

And that is no way for an evolving human to live.

Everything will be ok, no matter what happens.

And the ego is not the one who calls the shots… you are!

These are the two most valuable lessons I wish for you to learn through applying what you have read so far, along with the action step above.


Intuition, The 6th Sense is something each and every one of us has access to.

It is the call of our conscience.

The whisper of our heart, which Allah’s light is reflected upon.

Ignore this call and you will surely face more friction and disharmony in life.

Follow it, and you will have the honour of experiencing the magic that is possible within this beautiful existence.

This is no easy task.

For it requires one to step into four primary fears.

  • The fear of poverty
  • The fear of death
  • The fear of loss
  • The fear of failure

All are considered extremely unpleasant by the subconscious mind for most of us.

When you master both loss and failure, you become both dangerous and liberated.

When you’re able to live with a little and accept the reality that all is temporary, you become free.

Free from the shackles of fearing anyone or anything other than Allah.

And free from the anxiety of knowing you have a purpose to both discover and step up to, which you’re most likely avoiding.

That is all…

If you enjoyed this letter, here’s some cool stuff.

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5 Element Yoga System - Establish the daily habit of mindful movement for health, longevity and serenity of mind with this self-lead course. (Learn more here)

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The Mastery Letter: Get your mind blown weekly and read the things about my personal life, discoveries and experiences I don’t share anywhere else ever Thursday at 6:30pm (sign up free)

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With that being said.

Have a great week.

Stay sharp.

And stay blessed.


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

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