The Mastery Letter

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How To Hack Your Mind For Instant Silence

Back Story

I never realised by bad I suffered with anxiety, obsessive-overthinking and attention deficit until I started practicing meditation.

At one point I even began to think that the practice was doing me harm. I began to see just how just how often I was running on auto-pilot, not present to what was in front of me and rather scattered instead.

My mind used to (by default) obsess over negative thoughts and I’d often be thrown into a downward spiral of catastrophic thinking as a result of the slightest trigger.

Personal Experience: (This will reveal the other problems from your list above naturally)

Ever since I was a kid I’ve had this tendency to look at other people’s lives and know straight away what it is I either do or do not want.

Perhaps it’s a super-power that gets granted to the youngest in the family.

As a child, in school and even in university I would look around and see behind the masks others would wear a deep sense of misery and lack of fulfilment.

Most people are living life on auto-pilot.

Repeating the same processes over and over and wondering why they feel so bad, yet unwilling to do anything about it.

Mid-way during my degree in mathematics I made one of the most important decisions of my life.

No, it wasn’t to drop out. I finished my degree in fact.

The decision was that I would find happiness and inner peace during my life-time.

That I would not follow all of those around me who presented a confident and self-assured exterior, that in truth where miserable on the inside.

People wear their job titles like a badge of honour.

Personally, I couldn’t give a shi* about what you do to make money. As long as it’s lawful and doesn’t put others in danger.

Which is why if I ever meet you personally you’ll never hear me asking the so common, shallow-minded question (often used as an escape from feeling awkward) of “so… what do you do?”.

We aren’t human doings. We are human… beings.

This awareness during my studies sparked a lot of questions I searched so desperately to answer.

“How does one be happy?”

“Why aren’t most people as happy as they wish to be?”

“What is inner-peace and how does one achieve it?”

I already knew through observing others that none of the above were achieved through material gain.

Some would argue that refusing to pursue money for the sake of money itself is a cop out. That you don’t have the right to be so bold (unless) you have already invested so many years in the pursuit of money to then realise there’s more to life.

I disagree.

“Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others” - Otto von Bismarack

Being able to see the insanity in others and choose to steer clear of the same misery in your own life is a super power. 

If you have it, use it.

The Power of Now

This curiosity and interest in finding true happiness and inner peace lead to the study of meditation.

It all began with a book called “Buddhism is not what you think”, which then lead naturally to the well renowned “The Power of Now”.

If you haven’t read these books already, read them… especially the second one.

While reading this book I became aware (for the first time in my life) of what we call the ego or (nafs) in Arabic.

The ego never stops chattering.

It is like a radio within the mind that is always speaking to itself, and we so often confuse ourselves with it.

This is the first step to silencing your mind

Action Step: Pay attention to your mental chatter and realise how it never stops talking, especially if you tend to anxiously overthink

This recognition is the first step in learning to find mental peace on demand.

How To Switch Your Mind Off

One day while walking to the gym this fact occurred to me.

“The ego really doesn’t stop… does it?!”

Thinking and thinking about thinking, and thinking about thinking about thinking…

The trail is never ending. This was a moment of recognition. Most people live their whole lives without ever paying attention to mental-chatter.

Rather they live in reaction to it. Obeying its every command and in effect, causing a lot of suffering for themselves and others.

The price, pain, regret, and a sense of never feeling satisfied with oneself or life.

In that moment of recognition (realising how the ego does not stop chattering) I was inspired from some place beyond to ask myself a question.

This question, which I’m about to share with you was the question that changed my life forever, and the greatest accident that ever did have.

I asked myself “if the mind is always thinking and never stops, what will it think next?”

Ask yourself that question right now with sincere curiosity to know the answer.

To my amazement, there was no response in my head.

My mind went completely blank and I could not believe what was happening.

I was fully present, there in that moment, thoughtless and hyper-observant of the now.

“What… will the mind… think next?”

If you’re still reading, one of two things will have just happened.

1 - Like most people, you asked the question, another thought arose and you shrugged your shoulders, unimpressed and wondering what on Earth i’m getting at here.

2 - You asked the question, receded your awareness within and experienced (perhaps for the first time in your life) some moments of pure thoughtless inner-peace.

Action Step: Use the technique above with sincere curiosity. If your mind doesn’t go completely blank, you’re missing the point.

This technique isn’t about answering the question “what will the mind think next” (with another thought). It’s about asking the question and in effect, drawing your awareness back up the stream of thought so that you might find the next thought before it is released into your mind-space.

This pre-emptive awareness silences the mind. 

You become like a cat, waiting outside the hole within which a mouse hesitates to exit.

You can do this for time while sitting/ laying, or you can practice everywhere and anywhere, even during activity.

Caution: Don’t do this if you’re a beginner while doing something that requires full attention (driving, surgery, delivering a baby, etc)

Develop A Daily Practice

Modern society is not designed for strength and inner-peace.

The purpose is in fact convenience and conformity.

Not only are most people physically un-fit, the mind is “overweight” too. This is what happens when we neglect ourselves and centre our lives around consumption and comfort.

Social media is killing your attention span. You won’t simply return back to homeostasis by chance. Things tend toward disorder if left alone. Such is the Law of Entropy.

Therefore if you wish to find peace in this modern world, you absolutely must learn to organise your mental space.

This is done through “meditation” and concentration practice.

Action Step: Get a candle and set up a space where you can sit and practice daily. Repeat the steps above, looking at the candle and gently returning attention to it when you drift.

Consistency in all things is key.

Make this into a daily habit. Soon it will go from something you feel you should be doing to something you look forward to.

And to “normal people” who are scattered and unable to focus for any longer than 3 seconds, you’ll be like a super hero…


I would have never imagined I’d be doing this today…

Believe it or not, thoughts of wanting to die repeated in my mind from wake till sleep at one point.

Now I'm teaching people how to concentrate, when I myself used to struggle so much with this.

I’d have to read the same 2 lines on a book over and over again in order for the information to sink in.

It was only through a combination of fascination and willing frustration that I was guided to where I am.

Most people don’t want to put in the work required to focus.

If that’s you… keep scrolling on social media for hours and live as a slave to another man/woman.

If however you’ve read this letter and have received value, take action on the practices I’ve shared with you and take back your mind for good.

Honestly, if it’s possible for me, it’s possible for you.

Do not underestimate how much mental suffering it took to get to where I am now.


Thank you for taking your time to read all the way through.

You are one of the chosen few.

Promotion: If you want to master the art of being present, overcome your ego and 10x your focus/ inner-peace, check out my meditation program “Alpha-Mind” here.

Promotion: If self destructive behaviour patterns are ruining your life and you’re sick and tired of feeling stuck, guilty and ashamed of your choices, and are ready to get serious about winning back your self-respect then read more about The Unchained Coaching Program and book a FREE 60 minute consultation.

Promotion: Learn to develop a consistent daily mindful-movement practice so you can move pain-free, gain flexibility, regulate your nervous system and learn about Chinese health with The 5 element yoga program.

Free Gifts: If you haven’t already, sign up to my mailing list and get your free video tutorial on how to practice diaphragmatic breathing. Just one diaphragmatic breath is enough to bring you into deep relaxation. 

This will make instantly calm you down, help you find more peace and even make you a better athlete. You’ll also get 2 free guided meditations. These were the 2 practices that changed my life.

Free Downloadable Habit Tracker: The secret to staying consistently disciplined is self accountability. Habit tracking was the missing piece to my puzzle. Sometimes the simplest things are the most effective. 

Download yours now and get started right away.

If you don’t want to buy anything, or get your free gifts no problem at all.

I’m still grateful you’re here.

With that being said, I wish you well and as always…

Stay sharp.


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

When you're ready, here's how i can help you:

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As an ex weed addict and binge eater, i've designed a bulletproof path to attain freedom from self destructive behaviour patterns.

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