The Mastery Letter

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Man's Greatest Distraction: Women

The past few weeks have been extremely fulfilling. 

My discipline has been stronger than ever. 

I’m finally able to get up early, put the work in, and feel proud at the end of the day. 

And as I see myself getting better, Alhamdulillah… I see tests arriving… 

The test of distraction… 

When you begin to make progress, witness your success, generate more wealth or experience the results you’ve been wishing for… 

What test will come to distract you off your path? 

There are many of these tests that present themselves in the lives of men.

Common distractions, tests of man, witnessed throughout history again and again… and even more than ever today. 

  • The pursuit of Money
  • The pursuit of Status

And most dangerous of all… 

- The pursuit of Women

Distraction defines the experience of attention moving, unconsciously away from the desired direction of focus. 

“Where attention goes, energy flows…”

When distracted, it is as though our creative, life-force energy is leaking. 

Any achievement in life requires focus and the cultivation of concentration. 

If attention is always being pulled away from the desired direction, progress is sacrificed. 

Take this into consideration when regarding the achievement of that which is most important to you and those you care about. 

Can you really afford to let your loved ones down, due to the distraction of pursuing women and following your lust?

There are 4 main priorities that all human beings share. 

Those are… Health, Work, Relationships and Happiness

A well rounded, fulfilled life is one that is successful in all of these. 

Progress in any of these is hindered through distraction. 

Cravings for sugary, sweet, fast-foods damage one’s health. This is a result of wandering attention. 

Progress in work, business and one’s profession are hindered when one can not focus, thinking of women, lacking in drive due to some relationship challenge. 

Quality of work decreases, goals are not achieved and attention is scattered. 

Relationships require time, attention, presence, patience and loyalty. Distraction here, looking at or pursuing other women leads to great misery and dissatisfaction. Following this is the collapse of the family unit and chaos in the home. 

A scattered mind is an unhappy mind. Focus brings joy. 

Happiness is found within the present moment, whether that be due to the practice of meditation or… as I am coming to discover, entering a deep, focused state when engaged in challenging, meaningful work. 

“Every addict needs a project he can pour everything into."

My intention so far has been to emphasise the damage distraction can have in our lives. 

Today’s Mastery Letter will focus more-so on the distraction due to women. 

For women have been the weakness of men for as long as history has spoken… 

It should be clear now, that progress in any meaningful direction requires one’s attention to be sharp and somewhat unwavering. 

Distraction prevents us from building the lives we dream of. 

From fulfilling the role we have in our families and community. 

Throughout the course of time, men have found themselves weak in the presence of women. 

Your desire for a woman can distract you from your path more than anything else. 

More than money… 

More than status.

In fact, the desire for women is often the reason why one may chase the illusions of money and stature…

Woman can draw you attention in, bringing focus away from what is most important. 

They can trigger deep wounds and inadequacies, which lead to self sabotage and a drop in will-power. 

Women are man’s greatest test. 

And it is not women who are to blame for their ability in distracting us… 

It is us who are weak… 

We are to blame. 

Just think about it…

You get into a relationship, beforehand you were highly disciplined and focused, yet now you have a woman in your life you fall complacent, gaining weight, neglecting health, and slacking on your meaningful projects.

You’re focused and clear on your priorities, then one day there’s an argument… she gets upset and you take it very personally.

You spend the whole day at work thinking about it, attention drifts off to her over and over. 

The quality of your work is damaged… 

You become miserable… priorities disordered and work-ethic damaged.

When she is not there, your attention is swayed by other beautiful women walking by. 

The seed of desire is planted, you start to develop feelings for somebody else, your woman finds out and… this ends in disaster. 

Another case where distraction due to women is most dangerous is… when things are going well. 

Perhaps you are on a great streak. Showing up for yourself and others, exercising well, eating well, working hard and staying disciplined… 

Then you meet a woman that you have interest in. 

Soon, the mind finds itself wandering when you would normally be focused on something important. 

It’s thinking about her. Why hasn’t she responded to my message? 

Is she ignoring me? 

I wonder if she’s into me? 

Maybe I’m just not good enough… 

Such thoughts are extremely depleting on willpower and drive. 

Inadequacy and feeling unworthy are silent killers. 

This last example is one I have been experiencing as of recent. 

I’ve become more disciplined than ever, and I’m so proud of that. 

Finally, I’m consistently waking up earlier, writing and working deeply, accomplishing a lot whilst most people are still sleeping. 

This has given me a different type of happiness I had forgotten about. 

The happiness of being disciplined, of being accountable, of doing what I say I will do, and of being engaged in deep, meaningful, focused action. 

This is the happiness that comes with keeping promises to yourself, and showing your future self that you care enough about them… 

That you are willing to make sacrifices and acts of investment in the here and now…

Things have been going great so far… yet I’m finding my attention drifting to a woman I recently met. 

I can not ignore how burdensome this feels. 

It has been affecting my focus… stealing my happiness. 

It is consuming a lot of time and mental energy. 

This Mastery Letter is for me, just as much as it is for you. 

There have been times where my relationship to women has been fantastic. I remain strong, focused, confident and unmoved… without temptation… 

Yet there here have also been times where I have suffered greatly due to poor relationship with women. 

Insecure, lacking confidence, obsessing, overthinking, not knowing how to be with them, and having no sense of will or drive to do that which I know is good for me. 

How can we go about mastering that distraction? 

How can we stay focused? 

How can we stop being so lust driven and remain strong, disciplined men we are proud to be? 

All of this comes down to lust…

What’s Wrong With Lust? 

If you’re part of the new age, spiritual community or have been raised in the west where promiscuity and nudity are somewhat normal… you may be asking… what’s so dangerous about lust and casual sex? 

Let me emphasise, if you think such a way, then what I’m about to share, and the rest of this Mastery Letter is especially for you. 

People tend to defend that which is both familiar and desirable to them, for the fear of being guilty, or discovering that they have been doing something wrong. 

It is not that sex is wrong. 

It is in one being possessed by the spirit of lust that one is wronging themselves and others.

Lust will not only tempt you into pursuing women. 

It will cause you to manipulate women in ways so they begin to lust over you. 

This feeds the ego, the false self, the lower nature… which lives in fear and strives only for pleasure and sense gratification. 

Lust is distracting for both men and women, yet when it comes down to cutting away, it is a man’s responsibility. 

For a man holds within him a spectacle of clairvoyance. The ability to see through illusion and rise above the mists of emotion. 

Women are easily taken over by how they feel, as is The Man-Child (read previous Mastery Letters on this). 

So… back to the question, what is wrong with lust? 

Lust is an intent, one that is insatiable. No matter how much one feeds it, is it never satisfied, continually seeking more. 

Therefore it casts an illusion over a man's eyes. Convincing him that.. just one more will be enough

This last one… is the one that will satisfy my thirst. 

This list time… is the one that will give me what I have been longing for. 

Yet a man only finds himself seeking more afterward… 

The illusion of lust… 

What is an illusion? It is something that appears real, yet it is not. 

In order for something to be illusory, you must be fully convinced that it is real. 

In this case, one must have the conviction that through the pursuit of lust, they will find what they have sought all along… satisfaction, significance and connection. 

Yet when an illusion crumbles, the reality presents itself. 

No pursuit of lust ever brought meaning to one’s life. 

Such hunting can only lower one’s quality and experience of life. 

And after all the women have been enjoyed, one might feel the damage of what has been done. 

The splitting of the soul. 

The inability for a man to pair-bond effectively with the true woman he desires. 

Never satisfied, ever-craving. 

Many men testify to such an experience. 

Be not deluded by the modern narrative that says men can be promiscuous, while women can not. 

Neither of us benefit in the long term from promiscuity. 

After living so lustfully, both men and women experience a hurt in the capacity to build strong, meaningful, honest, loyal connections, which are all essential for a fulfilling, long term family life. 

The illusion of lust may inspire a man to fornicate with another woman while his wife awaits him at home. 

All through the gravity of base desire, his life (if he is not honest) spirals downward into a horror of guilt, shame and fearful secrecy. 

Such vibrations corrode a man’s heart and cut him off from his soul. 

He may even be in the practice of consequential thinking… 

Understanding the wrongs of such infidelity, the consequences of his actions on himself, his wife and the future of his family… 


He will ignore them. 

This is how intoxicating lust can be. 

Knowing the negative effects of walking down a particular path, 

But doing it anyway because the force of desire is greater than the force of one’s will. 

Families are broken… 

Children are born to parents who are not yet mature enough to be effective parents. 

They have not the emotional intelligence necessary to deal with the pressure, to communicate effectively and cooperate as a team.

Trauma ensues, through abuse or neglect…

And the cycle continues. 

You may have heard the quote before…

“How a person does one thing, is how they do everything”

The seed of lust leads a man to do what he knows he must not do. 

This will spread across his life like a poison. 

He is therefore lowered in honour and his willingness to do what is right, when he knows clearly what he must or must not do. 

Such a man is therefore less trustworthy. 

Willing to betray those who have trust in him, in the pursuit of that which he desires. 

Lust will lead a man to pursue a women whom he knows is not right for him. 

The gravity of lusting will bypass his inner sense. 

Such can lead to walking down a path that is immensely distracting and withering on his integrity, consuming years of his valuable life and vital energy. 

Are the dangers of lust now clearer? 

Hopefully so…

Yet I do not expect you to believe blindly. 

Reflect on your life and the paths you have walked.

Think critically and honestly.

Come to your own conclusions. 

Yet do not forget that for aeons we have heard this message. 

Sexual Transmutation 

There is an extremely powerful technique for men that has been spoken of for hundreds, if not thousands of years. 

Napoleon Hill mentioned it in his notorious book, “Think and Grow Rich”.

What is this technique?

Sex Transmutation or more commonly known as now, Semen Retention. 

First of all, when I say the words sexual energy I am not referring to some imagined concept that is only real for those who are more spiritual. 

Physicists know very well that the universe is energy, the famous Einstein said it too, along with others like Nicola Tesla. 


“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration” - Nikola Tesla

Energy and matter are somehow interchangeable, meaning the entire world and all that exists boil down to energy. 

Sexual energy is the force that creates life. 

For us in the western world, sex has become so shallow and meaningless that we see it only as an act of pleasure… 

Yet there is great wonder and mystery in the sexual process. 

How is a child formed in the womb? 

What information is carried within the man’s sperm? 

How does only one of these sperm, out of thousands or millions reach and fertilise the egg, which then after 9 months becomes a fully formed, human baby, which will one day become a thinking, inquiring, inventive, contributive adult human being? 

Is this not a wonder? 

Or are we still naive enough to say that we know what’s going on here. 

The process, although we might not understand it to great detail, is facilitated through the wisdom of Divine Intent, which operates through sex energy. 

The energy that creates… 

Not just baby humans, but “baby everythings”.

The plants, the oceans, the fish, the stars, the rocks, the fire… 

All of it is made through energy, creative energy, life force energy. 

This is not limited to biological creativity, this expands into all realms of creativity that fuel the development and completion of meaningful projects. 

When a man ejaculates for the sake of pleasure alone, he releases his seed of potential into nothingness… 

It is a waste of his creative, life force energy which would better be used in the direction of something which has significant meaning. 

Boxers are well known to practice semen retention for up to 40 days before a big fight. 

It holds their vigour, their vitality and virtue… 

All which are essential in becoming a true champion. 

A modern man’s desire for women will lead him (if he lacks strength and life structure) to waste his sexual energy in the pursuit of pleasure alone. 

He sacrifices his vitality, his creative spark, his drive to create and compete, all invaluable in creating his success. 

Therefore, such men who do not save their seed should expect not to see the completion of their projects or significant progress towards their goals… 

Nor should they expect to meet a worthy complimentary opposite, for ejaculating by one’s own hand removes the drive to become a man great enough to be worthy of a queen. 

Hold your seed, channel it’s energy into all that you do. 

A lot of men I have worked with say they need to masturbate due to a build up of excess energy in their body which manifests into anxiousness if not released.

If this is the case for you, you must expel that energy. 

Exercise it. 

Exercise your demons! 

Take them to the gym and sweat them out. 

Create, write, paint, discover music, whatever your creative tendencies may be. 

Meditate, practice yoga, and deep breathing with the engagement of the diaphragm. 

This will help you redirect your sexual energy in a way that provides you with a great sense of drive to do that which you know you must. 

It will aid you in fulfilling your life’s purpose. 

Do not waste it…

Learn to breathe both deeply and consciously. 

It is breath that moves life force energy…

Warnings From Before 

Modern man consumes not the scriptures of old. 

The wisdom laid before him by his forefathers goes ignored and unexplored. 

I encourage you to consider the religious paths your father or forefathers devoted themselves to.

Seeking to understand such paths with an objective, rational mind.

Study the scriptures…

The Qur’an, The Bible, The Gita, The Book of Psalms, The Torah… 

Whatever scripture it may be, it will speak the same if not a similar message regarding lust. 

Lust is considered one of the 7 deadly sins. 

An honest acknowledgement of this rank will hopefully be enough for you to take it seriously.

Unless of course, you are arrogant and still argue that sin does not exist, that is merely a concept designed in order to establish control.

Will you continue to turn a blind eye, trusting more in your base desires than the wisdom passed down from thousands of years before now. 

Men have faced the same battles throughout all of time. 

The notion of sin is not on designed for control or deception, as many, and even you may think. 

That which is classified as sin is harmful to the individual, the family, the tribe, the nation and the world. 

Regain respect for the warnings and messages of old. 

Within them lay guidance on how to best conduct oneself in a world that is growing ever-more chaotic. 

Within them are instructions on how to prevent the fall of a nation. 

Study the fall of nations passed. 

Rome was built by stoic, hard and strong men. 

The greatest of warriors. 

It was through lust, gluttony, sloth and other sins that they grew weak…

This lead to their demise. 

“A nation is born a stoic, and falls Epicurean”

Nations are built by strong men who need not fulfil every one of their desires. 

Men of virtue… not vice.

Rome was destroyed from the inside by weakness of character and the worship of (obedience to) base desires.

So how does one regain discipline and will-power in a world where sex and lustful images bombard a man?

It begins with the eyes…

Lower Your Gaze 

The tone of our thoughts is set by what we see and hear.

That which is seen by the eye of the body, will soon be seen by the eye of the mind. 

Religious wisdom advises us to Lower Our Gaze as a protection against lustful thoughts and activity.

What I am coming to understand here is that in order to remain focused, disciplined and on the right path, we must practice lowering our gaze in 3 primary domains:

  • The physical world
  • The digital world
  • The world of thought

Now… is this to say that a man should never look at a woman?

No, of course not. 

There are two ways a man can look upon a woman. Those being with or without the eyes of desire. 

A man who has humility however understands that his physiological nature is weak. 

Our body’s nature sees a woman’s physical features exposed and is aroused with desire, which can then lead to shameful acts in privacy, or the lustful pursuit of women, distracting one from the path of priority. 

A wise man therefore accepts that it is simply better for him to refrain from looking. 

He is aware of and accepts his weaknesses… His Lower Nature.

Men without humility refuse to accept any weakness they have. 

They strive to reach a point where The Lower Nature ceases to exist. 

Yet there is no killing the lower nature…

It is here to stay until the end, and we should be thankful… 

For it provides us with consistent tests that strengthen our character when passed.

Human nature has its weaknesses. A wise man will accept this and instead of fighting against it, adopts a way of life that shields him from having to experience the consequences of such weaknesses. 

The man I am describing here accepts that even if he makes intention not to look at women with the eyes of desire… he will. 

For the desire is in his body, which he can not reject or hide from. 

Rather than looking at women, starring into their eyes, hugging them closely, feeling the polarity of male / female energy, then trying to fight away the lustful thoughts and desires that come after… 

Prevent all of this from happening in the first place by… lowering your gaze. 

Prevention is better than cure. 

If you do not look, you do not desire, if you do not desire, you do not lust, and if you do not lust, you do not get distracted. 

Looking at women in the physical world leads to looking at women through the digital, which is far more likely to lead to acts like PMO (pornography, masturbation and orgasm). 

Draining a man of his life-force energy. Shrouding a man in guilt and shame… 

Every man wants to be better. Consciously or unconsciously. This aspect of him will feel great pain when he gives in to such animal desires. 

I’m aware this sounds extreme…

In eastern society (where people are far happier and birth rates are much higher), it is normal to lower one’s gaze. 

Their divorce rates are significantly lower than that in the west, they have more children and build stronger families. 

Look away from women. Notice the impulse to look either through digital or physical means. 

Take back your attention by resisting the urge. 

Do not live with your smartphone glued to your hand, never put it in your pocket, and do not allow it into your bedroom while you sleep.

The fewer women you look at with the eyes of desire, the less desire you will have to look at them.


Now… does being surrounded by women who reveal their bodies help with the practice of lowering the gaze? Or is it better if they are completely out of sight? 

Of course, the latter. 

We are bombarded with women, calling for our attention when we attend night clubs, navigate to certain parts of the internet, or use specific features on social media apps (instagram’s explore tab for example). 

A man may find it hard to admit (especially regarding physical locations and group events), that what takes him to such places is primarily lust. 

His friends invite him out for social time and decompression after a long, hard week. 

Deep down, he doesn’t want to go. He is tried, wants to rest, or would rather do something that does not end with feeling tired for the next couple of days. 

Then his lower nature whispers… ‘’but there will be girls’’. There will be women at the party, and that is the dominant force that drives him. 

It is not to be with his friends. 

It is so he may bask in lust, perhaps acting upon his feelings, gratifying the desire for a short time or simply fantasising, not acting upon his desire at all. 

Either way, he wishes to bathe in lust. 

The clubs and the city centre during the night are where his lower nature will find what it is looking for. 

Such places are abundant in lustful energy. 

Males lusting over females…

Females lusting over the experience of being desired…

Take note that in normal circumstances such happenings do not take place in the middle of the day. 

It is the night that brings about such vibrations. 

The jinn (spirits) come out to play at night. 

They love lust, and in fact… they lust on our weakness. 


If you feel as though far too much of your energy and attention are going towards the lust for women, and perhaps this is costing you a lot of time, money, and progress in your life… 

Then you will benefit greatly from lowering your gaze. 

Physically, digitally and mentally. 

To make this even easier, avoid environments that are rich in lust.


Physically, digitally and mentally. 

You might think this is cowardly, for avoidance is surely rooted in fear no? 


Sometimes avoidance is done through wisdom. 

You know your nature, you know it all begins with seeing a woman smile at you… before you know it you’re at home masturbating over thoughts of her. 

This is the reality. 

“True strength is gained when we accept our weaknesses.”

Also, you might question the effectiveness of this approach for if one avoids such places, will one not then be even more sensitive to lustful desires when returning to them, after spending time away? 

Over time you will begin to feel so good, so focused, so free over your attention, power and energy again that you will not want to return to such environments. 

The less time you spend entertaining lustful desires, the less desire for lust you will have. 

You will be stronger, and this will bring joy to you. 

Self-medication via lustful activity will no longer be necessary, for you will be more fulfilled and satisfied than you were before. 

As your standards increase for the environments and energies you subject yourself to, your preferences will change. 

It is similar to abstaining from refined sugary, non-foods for a long enough period… say, 30 days. 

In the beginning you might crave, yet soon you will have no desire and later… you will be repulsed. 

It is only in consuming such things again, against your true will and purely through the lower nature, that you reset the hard work and find yourself back in the lust for sugary, devilish treats once again.

Hindering your progress…

Undoing your hard work… 

The devil’s work.

Unworthiness, Inadequacy & Self Sabotage 

Why do so many males struggle with the obsession over women? 

Perhaps you recently met a female and there is a sense of attraction between you. 

Maybe you even won her contact details. 

You got the number!

Now you send her a message… 

But she doesn’t reply… 

‘’Why is she not responding,’’ you ask with frustration. 

You check, 

And check… 

And check again. 

Compulsively looking through your messages to see if she has responded yet. 

But disappointment ensues.

You thought this was the one. 

You thought this girl was really into you…

It began with a sense of victory and elation, for she was beautiful and you scored a good win…

But now you’re just confused. 

You start to think that maybe there’s something wrong with you. 

Thoughts of never finding love and ending up alone plague your mind. 

“Maybe that’s just how my story goes…”

Maybe I’ll just end up alone, and die that way” 

“Maybe I’m just not attractive like those other guys”

Despairing. Disappointed. Deflated… 

You’re about to lose all hope, 

You put your phone down in a sulking-like manner, not before one last check. 

Still nothing…

You begin to distract yourself with video games, food, TV or whatever it might be. 

The phone is now forgotten about. 

You’re deeply immersed in that game or movie. 

When all of a sudden…


Your phone just notified you, you’ve received a new message… 

Your heart starts to race a little. 

“Is it her? Could it really be?” 

Sweating and wide-eyed, you reach for your phone… 

Turning the screen on with great anticipation. 

There’s 1 unread message in your inbox. 

As quick as you can, you’re in there and what do you see? 

It was her!!!, yayyyyyyy!” 

Your desire to live is back again, filled with vitality and confidence you feel reignited by this girls message. 

You respond right away because that’s just what any considerable person would do right? 

A few minutes go by… 

Why hasn’t she responded yet?” 

And the cycle continues… 

Hopeless, unworthy, and feeling inadequate once again. 

I hope you enjoyed that short sketch. 

I have experienced such a scenario many, many times. 

And I know that I’m not the only one… 

Thousands if not millions of young men struggle with the same turn of events. 

Feeling inadequate around women, succeeding on rare occasion and obsessing as a result. 

Why is this the case? 

Imagine you were walking through the desert on a day where the sun is beaming down with great intensity. 

You begin to feel thirsty, noticing the dryness of your mouth as your teeth start sticking to your lips. 

WaterYou think to yourself desperately. 

Yet not there is no moisture whatsoever in sight… All you see is the eternal, dry, scorching desert. 

Soon, anxious thoughts begin to arise. 

“What if I die out here?” 

Your movements start to become more desperate, while the breath becomes shallow, increasing in pace, only drying your mouth out further. 

Panic ensues… 

Tears are about to burst from your eyes as you consider that this could be the end. 

But then… 

You see the sunlight glistening upon the surface of an oasis not too far in the distance. 

Possibility has returned. 

There is hope. 

When you arrive at the oasis you hastily drink as much as you can. 


A deep sigh of relief as your thirst has finally been quenched and the state of survival has now subsided. 


You drink more, and more, and more…

Until the belly is full. 

Fearing that you may lose sight of the oasis if you were to leave and continue your journey (which is to take care of some very important business), you become conflicted. 

Should I stay here, or should I continue on?” 

Through fear… you cling to the oasis. For it grants you the certainty and security that your needs for water and survival are met. 

Eventually you begin to walk small distances, making sure not to lose sight of the oasis. 

Compulsively looking back over your shoulder, just to check it’s still there. 

When one day, while walking, drifting off into thoughts about how much you love your new-found oasis, you accidentally walk a little too far. 

It dawns upon you that perhaps you have made a mistake… 

Glancing over your shoulder with anticipation and dread… 

Where is the oasis?!” 

You can no longer see your beloved. Your certainty, your security, your survival. 

The same panic you felt before when dying of thirst comes to revisit. 

Heart pounding and mind racing, you search as though your life depends on it. 

For in a sense… it does depend on it, yet you fail to consider that there may be some more water out in the world, or you may meet some passing travellers that may gift you some of theirs. 

After hours of search, hope is lost… 

Laying in the sand, accepting death, with tears in the eyes…

Then something suddenly inspires you to peek over your left shoulder

You take a glance…

“It’s the oasis!!! Yayyyyyyyy!” 

You entire nervous system relaxes and you feel a wave of relief for you now have certainty again and water is within the grasp of your lips. 

You have access to that which you need in order to survive…

Do you see the metaphor here? 

When we have been starved from love and intimacy, perhaps during our early years of life, it is common to develop such dysfunctional ways in relationship during adult life. 

A little bit of approval comes our way, a smile from a woman we consider attractive, and the obsession is triggered! 

We cling to that which we were deprived of. 

If you were in some way deprived of love, attention, approval, feeling wanted, desired and as though you truly matter… 

You will have a strong tendency to obsess when a crumb of this enters your life. 

There is a deep emptiness, longing to be filled. 

A rejection, 

A sadness, 

An inadequacy… 

An, “I don’t matter”. 

An, “I’m not worthy of love”, 

More than anything, this inadequacy fears being brought back to the surface and confirmed as true. 

You cling to that which you were starved from… 

Obsessing and attaching to any source of affirmation that comes through external means.

So, how does one attain true satiation? 

How does one fill this emptiness

It is a process that begins with putting an end to compulsive seeking for external affirmation and learning to fill one’s cup from within… 

The internal path… 

External Affirmation Isn’t All Bad

We’re about to go down somewhat of a tangent, yet I ensure you that what you’re about to read is essential to understand when overcoming the tendency of being greatly distracted by the desire for women. 

There is no denying that external affirmation and approval from others does indeed play an important role in our biology. 

Humans are tribal, community driven beings. 

Anything that lives has a core desire to survive. 

The acceptance of the tribe was essential for our survival when we lived in small groups. 

For in being rejected, outcast, being made an outsider, we would be left to fend for ourselves out in the wild. 

Subject to the elements, vulnerable to predators… and fragile. 

Therefore, acceptance of the tribe is hard-wired into our make-up. 

Modern society does not function with such tribal dynamics today, however… 

The hard-wiring within our biology still remains. 

Perhaps this is why so many of us battle with the fear of rejection, imposter syndrome, fearing that we will be found out by others, and disapproved of or made to feel like an outcast, ultimately ending up alone… 

What does rejection really mean to our biology? 

On the deepest levels, as has just been made clear, it means to be greatly disapproved of, to be outcast, ending up alone, which back in ancestral times meant a much greater chance of being eaten alive by a wild animal or freezing to death. 

It meant a higher probability of starvation, poisoning without receiving the aid of others, death by harshness of the elements, for having access only to the work capacity of one man as opposed to a group of men.

The fear of being alone is ultimately the fear of death. For in the days of our ancestors, being outcast and left to be alone ensured a far greater chance of a gruesome end. 

The reason I am taking you through this exploration is so you may understand and consider that perhaps the need for external affirmation is not necessarily so bad? 

So… if the need for external affirmation is not a disease but is rather a part of our nature as tribally designed human beings, what can we practically do that will make a difference in our lives? 

This Mastery Letter is all about strengthening ourselves against the distraction of women. 

Which, as we are on topic, is also another trait wired into human biology. The attention of man is by nature drawn into woman. For this drives procreation and the continuation of humanity. 

It is clear then that these tendencies are not innately bad. 

The challenge here is when we find ourselves slave to them, pulled into compulsion and a miserable existence. 

Addicted to external affirmation. 

Addiction to lust and the pursuit of women… 

Here is how we make this practical… 


Before we made clear how rejection from the tribe and being made an outcast would surely increase the chances of one’s death by significant degrees. 

What this suggests is that tribal association and external affirmation are in fact, biologically hard wired needs (not wants) that we depend on for survival. 

Just like water…

Just like the man in the dessert who finds his oasis and does not want to leave it. 

Here is our first point of understanding that changes the game… 

Acceptance from others and receiving their approval are both essential and inseparable from survival…

The Role of Trauma 

Why do so many of us find ourselves struggling with addictive, compulsive, dysfunctional tendencies when it comes to approval and validation? 

We are stuck in a state of survival…

Our nervous system has learned at some point in our lives that we are inherently unsafe. 

This is the by-product of child-hood trauma…

Let us say during early years of life, one was starved not of food, not of water, but of external validation, approval and a sense of adoration. 

Remember, these are essential to survival, it may not be clear in modern society but our biology is still hard wired the same way it was 1000 years ago. 

Also consider that during early years of life, particularly between the ages of 0 and 7, we are formulating our understanding about what life is, how people are, how we should be, and how the world works. 

It is within our first 7 years that our subconscious mind is being programmed, that being… the ultimate driving force in regards to human behaviour and choice making. 

When a child does not experience consistent approval, a feeling of being wanted, liked, accepted and part of the family, the child’s emotional needs are not met.

This creates a trauma imprint in the nervous system.

The biology suspects being alone in the wild, without care and aid of others. 

Death is considered more probable, fear and anxiety arise and soon become the default state.

When this is experienced repeatedly or to an intense degree, while our blueprint for life and the world is being formed… An irrational, extreme understanding is established within the subconscious. 

Such understandings are called subconscious limiting beliefs. 

Our beliefs are stored within the subconscious mind. 

Belief is the root of behavioural patterns.

Including the pattern of obsessing over women, feeling needy for their approval, and struggling to say no… remaining focused and disciplined instead.

A healthy tribe, and well approved youngster will receive the beliefs of ‘’I am home’’, ‘’I am liked’’, or ’’I am desired and appreciated’’ and therefore… “I am safe”

Such a person feels secure, that there is no immediate threat to one’s survival, that they are an integral part of the community and are ultimately safe to be their authentic self, without fear of being rejected or outcast. 

For this person… there is security in knowing that love is available. 

In a more harsh tribe, a youngster who repeatedly experiences feeling disapproval, not being wanted, not being desired and not liked or appreciated, may form beliefs that rather say “I don’t belong here”, “I am not liked”, “I am not wanted”, “I don’t matter” and ultimately… “I am unsafe”. 

This is essentially traumatic for the young one. 

For during the development of the subconscious and the belief system… a deep need for safety has been threatened. 

One may grow into adult life therefore never feeling safe…

It is not that the external environment is threatening,

It is that the body has been wired with a deep rooted feeling of being unsafe. 

No matter the context, no matter to circumstance… such a person will not feel safe and will behave in a way that is as though there is a threat, even when there is not. 

And this is what leads us to compulsion… 

Endlessly seeking external affirmation from others, becoming anxious people pleasers, afraid to say or do anything that could lead to disapproval, which by the body is interpreted as being cast out of the tribe and left to die… alone. 

Imagine the thirst man walking through the desert once again. 

Imagine for a moment that in his panic and deep, throbbing thirst he gulps down the water but… 

It does not quench him. 

He drinks more… 

But his body still believes that it is thirsty and it needs water otherwise it will die. 

Then he drinks more… 

Yet the body again does not feel satisfied… This is what occurs for a person with an eating disorder and tendency to binge eat… 

Just like I used to…

There is an insatiable hunger that thinks food is the answer, yet this leads to no satisfaction for the hunger is not physical… 

It is emotional. 

A deep feeling of being unsafe, that one’s survival is threatened, and perhaps due to the early life experience of being deeply hungry, without food, starving or lacking real nourishment, a compulsion around consuming food is created… 

All in the attempt to feel safe… 

All with the intent to feel a sense of relief from fear and threat.

The question this leads us to is then… How do we satisfy an insatiable need? 

How do we quench an unquenchable thirst? 

In the case of the anxious, compulsive seeking for approval from others, is it by submerging them in an ocean of external approval? 


The solution is to cease attempting to satisfy such a glitch in one’s subconscious wiring through external means… 


It is to change the approach completely. 

The hunger is insatiable, when given the wrong food. 

Metaphysical Hunger

Emotional starvation leads to an internal void that by default, attempts to be fulfilled through external means. 

It is not uncommon to hear the struggles of those who have developed an emotional relationship with food, cigarettes, sex, porn, coffee, weed, or whatever else it may be…

An emotional need is driving the behaviour

Yet nothing seems to bring a sense of long term satisfaction… 

An emotional void can not be filled by anything physical. 

Consider this like an emotional stomach, attempting to be filled by water. 

The physical stomach is getting full while the emotional one remains completely empty. 

We as human beings are more than mere physical bodies… if you didn’t come to know or suspect this by now through observing yourself and others.

Those more atheistic in their approach to life, believing there to be nothing more than the physical realm are far more likely to develop addictions and fall into codependent relationships with people and physical substances. 

They are limited only to finding satisfaction through physical means. 

There are several human ‘bodies’, beyond the physical. 

Many cultures will label these differently, however the pattern remains. 

Our bodies are:

  • Physical
  • Emotional
  • Spiritual 

Many would say there are in fact 7 bodies constructing the human experience, however for this Mastery Letter let us keep things simple and stick with these 3 primary bodies. 

The physical body has needs that are fulfilled through physical means. Food, water, warmth, etc. 

The Emotional body is satiated through emotions, like feeling the sense of safety, love, joy, esteem, etc. 

The Spiritual body is nourished through knowledge and experience of The Divine. Connection and direct experience of that which is beyond form. 

It is satisfied not with physical or emotional means but only with that which is beyond.

The key here is to understand where you are ‘hungry’. 

Being distracted by the obsession over women is most often a product of emotional hunger.

The need for intimacy, self-worth and a sense of being wanted, significant or important to another.

Most men dream of having a family of their own. 

A man who is present and committed to fulfilling his role as Father will not be so swayed by lust.

Another source of emotional fulfilment comes from finding one’s deeper life purpose, committing to that and becoming an integral part of community through sharing value with others. 

Such is the path of entrepreneurship. 

Honing one’s unique gifts, skills and curiosities, pursuing self mastery and sharing those gifts with the world.

If you want to overcome the obsession with women and gravity of lust: 

  • Get married and have children
  • Pursue The Project of Self Mastery or
  • Become an entrepreneur

These will all provide a man with a deep sense of meaning, fulfilment and significance in life. 

This is what we’re really looking for as men.

A married man will fall into lust when his needs are not being met. When he lacks purpose in other areas in his life or does not feel the harmony of family and home. 

An entrepreneur will fall the same if his projects are not challenging enough for him to enter a deep flow state. He must raise his game consistently, pursuing the most meaningful of goals. 

Also… consider this…

You are the ultimate project. 

Self mastery is about becoming the best version of yourself. 

Treat yourself as you would treat any other project. 

Shape yourself into your greatest form, through taking action, receiving life’s feedback, forming a new strategy and applying what you learn.

Become extremely focused and even obsessed with turning your weaknesses into strengths. 

This is the greatest project a man could ever wish for. It will inevitably result in the attainment of his dreams and the fulfilment of his needs.

On the path of self mastery, one may begin noticing the tendency of being distracted by women, obsessing and suffering due to this. 

Family, business and the pursuit of continual self improvement will all inevitably lead a man to the necessity of healing his past wounds.

If you suspect that you have experienced childhood trauma, are somewhat of an anxious people pleaser, or find yourself obsessing over gaining external affirmation…

Know this…

Anything you were not given by others, you can learn to give to yourself. 

Self Love & Affirmation

Imagine for a moment that you are your own child. 

You have been put here to protect this individual. To nourish and nurture them, provide for them and affirm them, offering guidance and support no matter what. 

When they fail you offer encouraging words. 

When they’re afraid you console them and let them know they are safe. 

When their desires are against them you tell them no… not now…

If you saw yourself this way, would you give yourself better treatment? 

We raise children… giving them structure, bed time, no chocolate after certain hours and protect them from media that is inappropriate for their age… 

We are their guardians, their caregivers, their guides… 

Self love in its simplest sense is to treat yourself as though you would treat someone you were responsible for… as with the example of a child. 

It is to take action in the here and now in such a way that your future self will benefit and be grateful for the choices you have made.

You are responsible for this child, you would never put a cigarette in their mouth, you would never drown them in alcohol, and you would never wish any bad upon them…

It is rare that we give ourselves the same treatment, however… 

This is the remedy for a life of seeking affirmation externally. I do not mean seeking approval from others in the natural, tribal, biologically motivated sense… 

I am referring to the type of approval seeking and people pleasing that is insatiable. The type that never leads to satisfaction but breeds more and more seeking, a never ending hunger… 

In such a case, there is an emotional void.

One has experienced a deep sense of feeling unsafe during the fragile stages of psyche development… 

Therefore, to heal these scars one must learn to self parent, providing oneself with what they were once starved of. 

Be the person you needed most. Give yourself the love you longed for. Approve of yourself as you wished to be approved. Adore yourself if you never felt adored. 

Look in the mirror, it might feel strange at first, but do it. 

Notice how you feel, look yourself in the eye, take one hand and place it on the mirror. 

Do this as though you’re giving yourself a hi-five or a deep, intimate touch with eye contact. For you would never do this with somebody you did not like… right? 

If you’re unable to do this, or you cringe at the idea, it means that there is much healing to be done. 

The relationship you have with yourself has been neglected… until now. 

You’re so distracted by the pursuit of women, seeking validation from others, yet you can not look yourself in the eye? That doesn’t sound right… 

The only reason you can not look at yourself is because you do not like who you see. 

So… give yourself a hi-five. This is a good place to start. 

How else would you treat somebody if you liked or even loved them? 

You would encourage them and bring their strengths to attention would you not? 

You would compliment them and do kind things for them would you not? 

When they are scared you would not criticise them but rather boost them, reminding them of their courage and letting them know that they are safe. 

When things are out of their control you would remind them that God’s plan is the best plan… 

You would listen if they were to need an attentive ear, 

You would want what is best for them… 

You would call them out when they make excuses, and inspire them to transform their weaknesses.

This is the key…

Do you want what is best for you? 

Do your actions align with that? 

Are your choices motivated by what is best for the future you? Or are you sabotaging your future self by living an undisciplined life, neglecting the necessity of will-power? 

Self love is when you invest in what is best for the future version of yourself. 

So get clear on what you want and what you need. 

Do that which you know you must, even when you do not feel like it. 

Let your discipline be a gesture of love for the future you and those you care for. 

This is self love. 

It seems there are key domains to consider when we explore the notion of self love. In attempt to make this as practical as possible, here are 3 primary domains within the practice. 

  • Self Talk
  • Self Discipline
  • Self Care

Giving yourself a hi-five fits into self communication, along with using the words you would use with those you love most, with yourself. 

Encouraging, honest, positive, real, true, reassuring… Do not speak to yourself in any way that you would not speak to a friend. 

Treat yourself even better than you would your dearest. 

This does not mean to be soft with yourself all of the time. It means to communicate in the way that is best. That also means refraining from using insults towards yourself. 

When your body is afraid and subconscious patterns are triggered… let your nervous system know that it is safe by breathing slowly and consciously, repeating ‘’you are safe’’ in your mind, as opposed to reacting and giving in to the compulsion for external affirmation when unnecessary. 

If this Mastery Letter has resonated with you and you struggle with what has been outlined here, then know there are three main truths you need to start believing…

These will give you more focus and concentration than ever before, dramatically reducing the distraction due to women and lust. 

Those are: 

  • That you are safe
  • That you are worthy
  • That you deserve the best

Discipline is not some form of bondage, which others might think… 

Discipline is love. 

Disciple-hood is established through love… 

It is the expression of wanting what is best of another, in this case, yourself, and matching that desire with action, even when you do not feel like it. 

Self care. 

We can use a general outline for self care, and also acknowledge the nuanced details for each and every person. 

Self care is not just for women. 

It is more feminine indeed. However feminine energy is part of being a true man. Perhaps it sits better when I use the terms yin-yang. 

Men are dominantly yang, but in order to maintain a healthy, happy and high quality experience of life, we must not be afraid of our yin. 

What this generally looks like is… 

Grooming, staying clean, buying ourselves nice clothes and paying attention to looking good. 

Smelling good, keeping the house tidy… these kind of things. 

In fact, this was huge for me. 

I was the kind of guy who would spend £120 a week on smoking weed, and then when presented with the choice of buying a £10 t-shirt would say… it’s too expensive. 

Does that sound like you too? 

If so… it’s a clear sign that your self worth is low. 

Unworthiness is the silent killer of many men and their dreams. 

You will sacrifice what is best and most important to you, for low quality things of the world, when deep down there is a lack of self worth… 

You will allow yourself to be distracted from your path, seeking approval from women and feeling anxious about crossing them, if deep down you feel unworthy. 

This is an effect of the psyche scarring we referred to earlier. A fractured self image, a tendency to treat oneself and one’s pursuits with neglect… as opposed to with love and commitment. 

At first it might not appear clear how all of this is connected, being distracted by women, focusing on your purpose, overcoming lust and dealing with a low sense of self-worth… 

But I can promise you, these things are all deeply interwoven. 

If you want to be less distracted by women and develop high levels of discipline you have to learn to respect yourself…

You must learn to say yes to what lifts you up and invest in the future you, while saying no to what sabotages progress and growth. 

Otherwise you’ll invite anybody into your life, and potentially spend years in relationships that were not right for you from the start.

Increasing Self Worth & Respect

Low self worth takes root in our childhood. 

If you were treated with disrespect, bullied, neglected, blamed, pushed around, and did not have your boundaries, privacy, time, your ‘no’, or your energy respected… you will have learned to give yourself the same treatment during adult life. 

Inviting people into your life that are not worth your valuable time and energy. 

Spending money on others or on addictions, yet refusing to treat yourself to anything of adequate quality… a hand-me-down kid.

Letting yourself get filthy, dirty, and overgrown… saying you don’t have time to groom of clean your space. 

Trying to explain yourself in the attempt of being understood by others, even when it is clear that they wish not to understand… 

Stop wasting: 

  • Your Time
  • Your Energy 
  • Your Attention
  • Your Resources

Either on others, or things that no longer serve you, especially if you struggle with low self worth. 

Protect your space, set boundaries, when somebody calls your phone you need not answer right away, especially if you’re in the middle of doing something important. 

Meditate, and when you do, don’t break your practice when somebody enters the room or speaks to you. This is only your fault when it does happen…

When you work out in the gym, respect your training, do not grant people access into your life at every moment of the day via the use of social media and instant messaging. 

You would not allow strangers into your bedroom upon rising of a morning would you? 

Respect your sleep, place the phone outside your room and keep it there during restful hours. 

Respect yourself. 

Respect your work. 

Respect your practices. 

Respect your space… 

This invites us to consider the notion of ritual. 

If you have ever witnessed a sacred ritual of any kind taking place, be it a funeral, a tea ceremony, a prayer, or a man eating his breakfast in the morning, the same breakfast he has had for the past 10 years… 

You will notice that rituals are all done with great respect for every detail. 

It is clear when something is or has been done with respect, for much time is invested and attention to detail applied.

Much attention is given… 

And strong boundaries are established. 

Try disrupting a muslim during sacred prayers. 

Mid-prayer, they will never move or break the prayer for anybody. 

Not even for an earthquake… as recent footage shows from the tragedy that took place in Turkey.

For those who have respect for themselves and their practice, there is no break in attention.

Those who do not respect their practice, their time, their ritual, their work… are more concerned with pleasing others than respecting themselves.

This is a childhood-learned behaviour once again! 

Your mother or brother orders you to do something. 

You don’t want to… 

You’re concentrating on drawing a picture, in love with the process. 

But they don’t see that, or they don’t care. 

They want you to abandon what currently has your attention and obey them, right now. 

Even if it is not important… 

And so you abandon your own focus, you break the ritual of what you were doing, and you allow yourself to be redirected, so others are pleased with you. 

Do you see how interesting this is, and how relevant it is today? 

Especially when regarding the conversation of overcoming the distraction due to women. 

You just met a new girl, you’ve been seeing each other for a while. 

You’re laying in bed together… it’s morning. 

You know it’s time to get after your morning routine, respecting the development and maintenance of discipline, looking after your physical and mental health, and progressing in your professional life… 

Yet she says no… stay in bed with me. 

Like a child, you abandon your sense of self-respect and succumb. 

As a result you feel even worse about yourself. 

Repeatedly sacrificing what you know is important simply to please others is a challenge many men face today, perhaps even you. 

If you want to be more focused in your life, you’re going to have to learn to respect yourself and all that you do. 

This means making your life more ritualistic. 

When you eat, it is a respected ritual. 

When you work, it is a respected ritual… no disruptions. 

When you train, it is a respected ritual… no social media, or looking around at the women in tight clothing. 

When you pray and meditate, it is a respected ritual… break these for nobody and no thing. 

When you begin to practice such self respect and ritualised living, it will become evident just how little people tend to respect themselves.

You will notice those who abandon what is important to them… just to please others.  

You’re not like most people are you? 

No… you’re uncommon. 

A king in the making… 

You deserve better… 

Do you not? 

Raising Your Standards 

You’re only so easily distracted by women because your standards are low. 

Tell me with honesty, that all the women you lay eyes upon are considerable as wives or long term companions… 


When we look at women, what are we really looking for? 

When our standards are low, we will bring anybody into our world… 

Even a women who can not cook, or does not clean, that does drugs and lacks basic intelligence…


Imagine for a moment, a man in a grand bakery, browsing for a loaf of bread. 

He has no preferences, no standards, all he desires is bread. 

Upon entering the bakery he sees hundreds of different loaves. 

They all attract his attention, for they invoke within him a sense of curiosity and desire. 

Whether the quality is high or low, or the loaf us whole or white, seeded or un-seeded, with or without olives…his attention is pulled. 

His original intent was to enter the bakery, find a single loaf and bring it home. 

He leaves the bakery with 15 loves, 10 of which grow mould, 3 which are terrible and 2 which he genuinely likes. 

The man learns his lesson. 

On his next visit to the bakery he raises his standards. 

He knows what he does not want, for he has tasted it and experienced disappointment. 

He does not want anything white, he only wishes to buy a brown, whole-grain loaf. 

He only desires properly prepared grains and therefore opts for sourdough and nothing else. 

He likes olives in his bread too, and prefers something that he can cut for himself, not a pre-cut loaf. 

He also knows that he does not desire anything sweet. 

Now he has standards, he has preferences and upon entering the bakery he darts through isles containing thousands of loaves, completely undistracted, not turning in his gaze… 

until he reaches his desired sourdough, whole grain, olive packed loaf… ready for him to cut each slice to his desired thickness. 

The same applies for women…

Go out into the city centre and enjoy some tea with your friends while sitting outside a pleasant cafe. 

Hundreds if not thousands of women will pass you over the course of a few hours. 

Without standards, your attention will be pulled by each and every one of them. 

That my friend is an incredibly scattered mind, and a scattered mind is an unhappy mind. 

Raising your standards reduces the chances of your attention being diverted by external demands. 

It ensures that you can remain sharp in micro and macro concentration (discussed in a previous Mastery Letter on training concentration) 

Let’s say for example you are looking only for a wife, nothing less. 

This alone removes a high percentage of women on Earth, for very few modern women are good-wife material.

When you have decided that you will not pursue a woman for lust but rather for more wholesome reasons, then you will lose no attention to women who lack modesty, flaunting skin and revealing their features.

For the women who expose their bodies in public will likely not make good wives… 

This further eliminates a large percentage of modern women. The quicker you decide that a particular woman is a clear no, the less of a distraction she will be for you. 

What other metrics can one raise standards upon when regarding interest in women? 

As mentioned, we have how modest or immodest a woman is in public. 

Then we have: 

  • Her ability to heal and nourish others 
  • Her willingness to be feminine 
  • The condition of her health
  • The religion or spiritual practice that she devotes to

Maybe you’re not attracted to women who are considerably overweight… That eliminates people who fit that description. 

The number of women you will consider goes down. 

Then perhaps you decide that you’re looking for a wife who is feminine, nurturing, caring and healing to be around, not a masculine, boss bitch who hates her father and will most likely make your life very unpleasant… 

The number goes down again… significantly…

Then perhaps you decide that it is only women from a particular religion you will consider, for you realise the importance of having alignment in your values, and the purity of her soul and that a person’s history does in fact matter…

Now the numbers go down even more! 

By this point you’re left with a small number of extremely high quality women. 

Healthy, feminine, spiritually practicing virgins (or close enough).

The dream… 

In order for you to be the prize for such a woman, you must raise your standards for how you treat yourself. 

Work hard, train hard, do your duties, become the man you know you are deep down… 

Become a man who knows what he deserves, settling for nothing less.

My life changed when I stopped chasing women and began to focus instead on becoming a man who is compatible with a true diamond-like, feminine, nurturing woman. 

Focus not on women, but more-so on who you must become in order to attract your ideal standard. 

Whatever it is, know your preferences, know what is important for you and this will simplify your life through the elimination of options. 

With fewer options, there’s less distraction. 

With less distraction, you simply will not look, for you know what you want, and you refuse to settle for anything less. 

Men with low standards are men who settle… 

Some of us are repulsed by mediocrity…

Especially those of us who witnessed others settling for mediocrity, only to live miserable lives. 

All of the above will only yield power if you practice with conviction and are serious about your standards. 

Toying with ideas will get you nowhere. 


The achievement of anything meaningful depends entirely upon our capacity to concentrate and focus.

Without a strong shield protecting us from distraction… any pursuit that is meaningful to you will suffer. 

This is because where attention goes, energy flows. 

If your attention is deviant, seldom concentrated and focused in one direction but more-so scattered… you will struggle to move any distance in any direction that matters. 

For men… women are the greatest possible distraction. 

Both on a micro and a macro level. 

Perhaps you’re in the gym getting distracted by women in tight, revealing clothing or… 

You’re pursuing your life’s purpose, working on your mission but losing valuable time sitting, daydreaming about the woman you met recently…

Or maybe you’re like most men, fantasising about sexual activity, lusting over every woman who passes them by and frequently getting pulled into the digital black hole of pornography… 

However it may be, distraction due to lust over women is both real and significant enough for us to lose entire years of our lives. 

Those years could have been invested in building a future where it is possible for us to support a beautiful wife and children. 

Yet so many men trade such a future for short term pleasure… 

Commit to something greater than lust, for in lust there is no meaning and only depression and emptiness that await. 

Lower your gaze, reduce or eliminate the habit of looking at women with the eyes of desire. 

Come to acknowledge the fact that so much of your attention leaks towards women because you are addicted to their validation and approval. 

Understand where this all roots from for you, and recognise whether or not you have childhood wounds that need healing.

All addictions begin with childhood trauma often due to our core needs not being met. 

Learn how to nourish yourself on an emotional level, providing yourself with the things you wish you had when you were young and developing. 

Saying the words you wish you had heard while growing up… internally.

Develop discipline and lead a life that makes you proud. 

Do hard things, the things you know you should be doing like taking care of your health and investing your time in things that are productive… especially when you don’t feel like it.

Replace the compulsion for external approval with self-love & positive action. 

Work on increasing your self-worth & self-respect and most importantly… raise your standards. 

With that being said, I wish you well. 

This Mastery Letter is something I believe most men should read. 

We need this message now more than ever. 

So… do your part… 

Share The Mastery Letter with a man you know will benefit by reading this. 

I would appreciate it. 

If you wish to work with me on a 1:1 basis or have an important and interesting proposition for me, then feel free to contact me via instagram @usman_unchained. 

Until next week… 

Stay blessed, and…

Stay sharp. 


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

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As an ex weed addict and binge eater, i've designed a bulletproof path to attain freedom from self destructive behaviour patterns.

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The Minimalist Habit Tracker - Free

The single most simple, effective and affordable way to level up your discipline.

Habit tracking has changed my life, if you want to feel proud of the choices you're making, win back your confidence, make passive progress towards your goals and put an end to destructive mornings that breed guild and shame into your life... You NEED to be using this.