The Mastery Letter

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5 Reasons Why ADHD Is A Blessing From Allah

You’ve struggled with concentration ever since you were a child.

The school teachers never understood, neither did your parents.

They just told you off and called you naughty for not paying attention or doing exactly what you were told.

And so you grew up believing you were a failure.

That something was wrong with you.

And that you were simply incapable of doing a good job.

The problem was never you.

It was that both your parents and teachers didn’t have the knowledge, tools or understanding necessary to guide your attention and hold it on a given task.

And why did they lack such knowledge and understanding?

Because not only were they unable to exert mastery over your attention.

They had not yet mastered their own…

My story with ADHD

Just like you, I was that kid…

Seldom paying attention in class.

Coping with intense classroom boredom by being the class clown or trouble maker.

Chewing my pen lid into a pulp as I attempted to regulate my nervous system while solving problems.

My teachers said I would fail.


Because it appeared as though I was uninterested or resistant to learning.

Little did they know, my mind was too fast for their slow, boring lessons.

That is, with a few exceptions.

My maths and art teachers will be held closely in my heart into the future.

Mr. Crookall, Mr. Holtam, Mr. Tyrer…

You guys did a great job in guiding me to where I am today.

I thank you.

Now, enough with introductions.

I want to share with you how ADHD is not the curse it’s been made out to be.

In fact… one could even say it is a super power.

Or better yet, a blessing from Allah.

Here are 5 reasons why I am confident in saying so:

1: You won’t work if your heart isn’t in it

Good teachers weren’t the only reason why I loved Maths and Art class.

I loved drawing as a child.

It was an innate aspect of my character.

With that, I also had an insatiable curiosity.

A desire to understand the deeper workings within everything I could get my hands on.

I was born as a problem solving machine…

It’s therefore no coincidence that I took especially well to these two subjects.

Understanding and creation, you could even say that these two traits are Divine in nature.

Anything that didn’t involve either problem solving or creation was a turn off for me.

English, drama, music, geography and such for example.

But be not mistaken…

It is not that these subjects lacked opportunity for understanding and creativity.

It is that my teachers of such subjects were unable to invoke curiosity and a drive to learn more.

If you have children, or there are children in your family, use this point to grab and hold their attention.

Invoke curiosity through story, visual representation of processes, challenge and the freedom to explore.

2: Deep learning in personal interests

If you “have ADHD” you’re likely someone who tends to go down “rabbit holes” quite often.

Delving deep into particular topics that you feel curious to learn about.

When your curiosity is triggered like such, it’s near impossible to get you interested in anything else.

For weeks, months or even years you would triple in on a particular subject of study.

Do you not see how powerful this is?

It was this characteristic of ADHD that lead to the past 12 years of consistent Yoga & Meditation.

My obsession with personal development stemmed from the same place.

Those of us with “so called ADHD” get obsessed with topics that we’re seriously interested in.

And what invokes interest?

The desire to solve a problem…

3: High Performance Under Pressure

If you’re faced with a problem that seems particularly hard and necessary to solve, you will summon from within you a great pressure and need to find your solution.

This manifests as obsession.

Any person who has walked this Earth as a master or champion of sport, martial art, or any craft, has said this time and time again.

“If you want to be the best, you have to be obsessed” - Unknown

Those who are not obsessed will never achieve results like you will.

Because you’re always thinking about solving the said problem.

When I realised how anxious, scattered and unfocused my mind was and had experienced my first droplets of inner peace after practicing Yoga, I was hooked.

I became obsessed with living in the present moment, even to an unhealthy level.

The result? I… a young man who grew up with ADHD became a teacher of Yoga & Meditation.

I’ve now taught countless people how to concentrate.

Is that not one of the most ironic things you’ve ever read?

A boy who struggled so much with concentration, became a man to teach concentration to the world?

This is the reality of life.

Your weaknesses become your greatest strengths and gifts to the world if you’re obsessed enough with finding solutions and getting better.

And with that being said, let this be a reminder that in order to improve, you must believe you can in improve in the first place.

ADHD has become a prison for so many young people and adults.


They were given a diagnosis and believe themselves to be damned to a life of attention deficit.

The difference with me is that while growing up I always had a rebellious spirit.

So when the doctors told me I had a condition that would stay with me for life I didn’t believe them for a second.

Tenacity, boldness, conviction…

If you’re struggling with your attention and it’s causing you a lot of frustration, you need these traits in order to flip the script.

4: Rapid development of any skill

And so through my obsession with Yoga & Mediation I became a master of attention.

Sure, I’m still learning, as we all should do until the day we die.

But I can confidently say that I can get anyone to concentrate.

Even the most scattered minds… I can focus them.

Don’t believe me?

Keep reading…

I’ve got a special opportunity coming your way.

But only if you’re willing to read this letter all the way through.

You’re almost there.

Video editing, software development, stretching, a guitar (or any other instrument)…

Your obsessive nature (when you find something interesting enough) will allow you to learn at a rate 10x faster than the average person.

Just imagine how you could apply this to business, health, or whatever else it is you’re curious about.

The obsessive interest will arise when you perceive that interest as the solution to a burning problem you’re facing either consciously or unconsciously.

I became obsessed with weightlifting at age 17.

I enjoyed it, sure.

But unconsciously it was my solution for feeling inadequate.

In the gym I felt like I was good enough.

That I could achieve something.

That I was worth more than I had previously considered.

This was an unconscious process at the time.

It’s only now upon reflection that I can break it down.

Perhaps you’re obsessed with speaking to women because winning their approval is unconsciously solving a similar inadequacy within you.

Or you’re obsessed with learning, or spirituality because these unconsciously grant you a sense of significance as a person who possesses a lot of knowledge.

Or maybe you have not yet tapped into the power of obsession and you’re stuck, frustrated, and feeling quite hopeless.

Keep reading.

Your hope will be found.

5: Focus is a must, not a should

“Necessity is the mother of invention” - unknown

I don’t know who said that quote, but it’s one of my favourites.

When something becomes a necessity, you will find a way.

No matter what your situation…

If you need to find a solution, you will find one and if you can not, you will make one.

When you have intense ADHD, focus is no longer something you should work on.

It’s something you absolutely must improve.

Especially if your attention deficit morphs into OCD (like it did in my case).

I had to learn how to quieten my mind, otherwise I would have killed myself.

From morning until night, the same repetitive, intrusive, negative thoughts.

I couldn’t take it any longer…

At one point I even considered death the only possible escape from such a torment.

But I didn’t give up.

And I don’t want you to give up either.

There is light at the end of the tunnel.

And if I can learn to control my mind, so can you!

There’s just one thing you need to know…

I was only able to find a solution to obsessive, compulsive overthinking because I refused to take drugs.

I’ve just never been that guy… Alhamdulillah I feel blessed for it.

I don’t take pain killers.

If I have a headache I deal with it.

And with all of the mental illnesses I’ve had, I’ve never even considered taking psychiatric “medicine”.

I consider this Allah’s protection.

I’d rather suffer, struggle and scrape my way through the pain until I find something natural that works.

Using pills to control my mind is just something I’ve always considered as weak.

Handing over my mind to somebody else?

No thank you.

I’ll continue finding solutions, with the permission and help of Allah.

Be careful not to fall into victim mentality.

You absolutely can improve your current mental condition.

There are natural methods that have not only worked for me, but for countless students I’ve now taught.

You are not a special case.

However much you like to think so of yourself.

You are the caption of your own shape.

It’s time to take control and un-scatter your mind.

A Chance To Change Your Life Forever

If you read this far, I must say… congratulations.

You’re one of the chosen few who despite struggling with concentration, was willing to read all the way through and work for something.

Most people agree to a life of ADHD because they aren’t willing to put any work in.

They just want things handed to them on a plate.

It’s those guys that go for the pharmaceuticals.

But not you…

You’re different.


I’m turning 31 this week and I want to celebrate by giving.

What exactly am I giving?

Well… I’m giving away my solution to ADHD.


After 12 years of practicing meditation nearly every day I’ve developed a bullet-proof system that will take you from scattered, frustrated and with no focus to…

Laser sharp, dialled in and finally at peace with your mind.

But there’s one condition…

This opportunity isn’t for time wasters.

Nor is it for people that like to sit on the fence and wait for the tomorrow that never comes.

Here’s your chance to finally pull your ADHD into control.

I’m giving you an entire 50% off my meditation program “Alpha Mind”.

Learn to master your mind for bulletproof concentration, focus and unwavering inner-peace with this self-lead video course (click here and claim your 50% discount)

Note: The price increases very soon

Maybe even tonight…

So don’t wait another minute.

Go and get the course before it’s too late.

Have a great week.

Stay sharp.

And stay blessed.


Who is Usman Ali?

I am a Mathematician turned Yoga & Meditation teacher, writer and coach for those who want to better themselves mentally, physically, emotionally and spiritually through Holistic and Natural means. I am obsessed with dissecting the human experience, the nature of existence and the becoming the highest version of myself, whilst helping others do the same.

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